
English Miscellany: A Symposium of Literature, History and Arts, edited by
Mario Praz
Reprint of the Complete Collection of Articles in English and Selected
Writings in Italian by Mario Praz, Series 2 in 5 volumes


本体価格: \98,000
ISBN: 978-4-902454-20-8


推薦のことば 「ローマ発、異貌の英文学」  --------   高山 宏(明治大学教授)


  『ロマンティック・アゴニー』という英訳で一挙全国区になったプラーツの世紀の名著『肉体と死と悪魔』(1930)が1986年邦訳という致命的なタイム・ラグのある本邦の欧米文化・文学研究の実情である。ぼく自身、知己の出版社と組んで主だったプラーツ本は片はしから日本語の財産にしてきた(プラーツの翻訳では日本は世界一のはず)。そのぼくにして、プラーツを編集主幹とするローマ発の英文学研究誌English Miscellany に再び日の光(め)を見させようという企てまでは思いも及ばなかった。大プラーツが周辺に集め、育てていったジョルジオ・メルキオーリとかアウグスティーノ・ロンバルドとかいった中小のプラーツが、「趣味」と「官能」、「汎欧」と「画文一如」のプラツェスコ(プラーツぶり)を発揮して捉え直す英文学は、見事に驚異と悦楽の異貌を呈するのである!

編者より 「プラーツェスコの森」 -------  中島俊郎(甲南大学文学部教授)

  T.S.エリオットを驚嘆させた形而上詩人研究を世に問うたとき、同時にチャールズ・ラム『エリア随筆』を翻訳していたことを忘れてはならない。1925年のことである。プラーツにとって翻訳はひとつの批評であって、たえず批評活動と雁行していた――エリオット『荒地』(1932)、シェークスピア『トロイラスとクレシダ』(1939)、ジョンソン『ヴォルポール』(1943)、ペイター『ルネッサンス』(1946)、オースティン『エマ』(1951)など。すぐれた翻訳者になるためには、文化の障壁をのりこえ、二重のアイデンティティを自らのなかに獲得しなければならないが、プラーツは、文学、文化研究の越境、横断を、個々の文学テクストの翻訳よりもさらに大きなかたちで実践してみせた。その集成が1950年から1982年(没年)にかけて発行された『イングリッシュ・ミセラニー』(English Miscellany)で



●第2回配本(Vol. 6-10)収録文献:

Volume 6
Harold Fromm, Spenserian Jazz and the Aphrodisiac of Virtue
Veselin Kosti・ Ariosto and Spenser.
Roger Pryor Dodge, The Image and the Actor.
A. K. McComb, The Anglo-Americans in Florence.
Paul M. Clogan, Chaucer's Use of the《Thebaid》.
Alan Gerald Gross, The Text of Hal痴 First Soliloquy.
John P. Cutts, Shakespeare's Song and Masque Hand in《The Two Noble
John E. Parish, Milton and the Well-Fed Angel.
Masolino D但mico, Oscar Wilde between《Socialism》and Aesthelicism.
Barbara Melchiori, A Light-Fingered English Visitor to Italy.
Paul Kaufman, Rawdon Brown and his Adventures in Venetian Archives.
Pauline Parker, The Image of Direction in Dante, Spenser and Milton.
G. S. Rousseau, Marlowe's 《Dido》and a Rhetoric of Love.
David C. McPherson, Chapman's Adaptations of New Comedy.
Dominic Baker-Smith, John Donne and the Mysterium Crucic.
Donald R. Benson, 《Ideas》and the Problem of Knowledge in
Seventeenth-Century English Aesthetics.
Robert J. Gemmett, The Critical Reception of William Beckford's Fonthill.
Giorgio Melchori, Yeats and Dante.
Harold Fromm,《To the Lighthouse》: Music and Sympathy.
Alan Barr, The paradise behind《1984》.
Brian Moloney, Anglo-Florentine Diplomatic Relations and the French

Volume 7
T. K. Meier, Chaucer's Knight as《Persona》: Narration as Control.
R. J. Schoeck, Thomas More's 《Dialogue of Comfort》and the Problem of the
Real Grand Turk.
Virginia Tufte, England's First Epithalamium and the 《Vesper
N. W. Bawcutt, Some Elizabethan Allusions to Machiavelli.
Carolyn A. Schten, Southwell's《Christ's Bloody Sweat》
Clifford Davidson, Middeton and the Family of Love.
Giovanna Pellizzi, The Speech of Ithocles on Ambition in Ford's 《The Broken
Norman Mackenzie, 《Kubla Khan》: a Poem of Creative Agony and Loss.
Osward Doughty, Coleridge as Statesman.
Sandor Baumgarten, A Sculptor with Many Fatherlands.
Barbara Melchiori, Fanny Kemble in Rome, with Some Unpublished Lettters.
George A. Panichas, G. Wilson Knight: interpreter of Genius.
Morriss Henry Partee, Claudius and the Political Background of《Hamlet》.
Richard Studing, Spectacle and Masque in《The Winter's Tale》.
Paul Kaufman,《The Hurricane》and the Romantic Poets.
Ian Fletcher, Herbert Horne: The Earlier Phase.
Jeffrey Meyers, The Voice of Water: Lawrence's《The Virgin and the Gipsy》.
Hilary Gatti, D.H.Lawrence and the Idea of Education.
English Studies in Italy: A selected list of books published in Italy

Volume 8
Morris Henry Partee, Anti-Platonism in Sidney'S《Defence》.
William H. Magee, Helena, a Female Hamlet.
B. Eugene McCarthy, Wycherley's 《The Plain Dealer》and the Limits of Wit.
Pat Rogers, Defoe and Virgil: the Georgic Element in 《A Tour thro' Great
Andrew M. Canepa, From Degenerate Scoundrel to Noble Savage: the Italian
Stereotype in 18th-century British Travel Literature.
Paul Kaufman, A Keats Circle by the Sea.
David H. Paroissten, Dickens's《Pictures from Italy: Stages of the Work's
Development and Dickens's Method of Composition.
Giovanni Angelo, A Note on Samuel Butle in Sicily.
English Studies in Italy: A selected list of books published in Italy
Mason Tung, Spenser's Graces and Costalius' 《Pegma》.
Philip Dust, Another Source for Spenser's《Faerie Queene》.
Giorgio Melchiori, Love's use and Man's Hues in Shakespeare's Sonnet 20.
B. J. Layman, Shakespeare's Helena, Boccaccio's Giletta, and the Riddles of
《Skill》and 《Honesty 》.
G. F. Waller, Time, Providence and Tragedy in《The Atheist's
Tragedy》and《King Lear》.
Roger Pryor Dodge, Shakespeare in Proper Dress.
James Milton Highsmith, Smollett's Nancy Williams: A Mirror for Maggie.
Osward Doughty, Coleridge and the 'Gothic Novel' or 'Tales of Terror・
D. Heyward Brock, The Portrait of Abbot Samson in《Past and Present》:
Carlyle and Jocelin of Brakelond,
Helmut Klinger, Varieties of Failure: The Significance of Trollope's 《The
Prime Minister》.
John J. Reich, Baron Corvo and the classic .
Gabrielle Barfoot, Dante in T. S. Eliot's Criticism.
Jeffrey Meyers, The Evolution of 《1984》
English Studies in Italy

Volume 9
Mason Tung, Emblematic Inventions of Alciati and Whitney.
Paulina Palmer, Marvell, Petrarchism and 《De gli eroici furori》.
John M. Alexander,《Ut Music Poesis》in Eighteenth Century Aestheucs.
Jerry C. Beasley, Fanny Burney and Jane Austen's 《Pride and Prejudice》.
Andrea Cozza, The Betheral of Bleakrigs.
Brian Swann, 'The Mill on the Floss' and the Form of Tragedy
Barbara Bates Bonadeo, D. H. Lawrence's View of the Italians.
Luigi Magnani, Beethoven as Reader of Shakespeare.
English Studies in Italy
Attila Faj, Poetic Reminiscences and an Ascetic Principle in《Patience》.
A. M. Kinghorn, William Tyndale's Tractate of Disobedience,《The Obedience
of a Christian Man》.
Robert Coogan, Surrey's Petrarchism and Tudor Concepts of Translation and
Robert Coogan, The Date of Wyatt's《Jopas' Song》.
Philip Dust, The Kiss in Lyly's《Endymion》.
Saad El-Gabalawy, Aretino's Pornography in the Later English Renaissance.
Ronald McFarland, The Rhodian Colossus in Renaissance Emblem and Poetry.
L. T. Fitz, Mental Torment and the Figurative Method of 《The Tempest》.
Clifford Davidson. Herbert's《The Tempest》: Conflicts, Submission and
Winfried Schleiner, The Hand of the Tongue: Emblematic Technique in One of
Donne's Sermons.
John E. Parish,《Sun, Stand Still!》,Secular Parody of Sacred Wonders.
Philip Flynn, Recovering Francis Jeffrey.
Barbara Arnett Melchiori, The Windows of the Victorians.
English Studies in Italy: a Select Bibliography 1974-76

Volume 10
Thomas Grove, Sexual Intemperance and the Fall of the Round Table.
Barry Windeatt, The 'Tainted Process・ Italian to English in Chaucer's
Kenneth Friedenreich, English Renaissance Accounts of the Fall of
Toby Mostysser, Puritan Meditatiion and Four Devotional Lyrics by Fulke
Barbara Arnett Melchiori, A note on the Murdered Duncan and the Drowned
Giancarlo D'Anna, Shakespeare's《Troilus and Cressida》, V. iii and V. x: A
Textual Problem.
Saad El-Gabalawy, George Herbert and the Emblem books.
D. Heyward Brock, Praise and Dispraise: Salient Social Aspects of Ben
Jonson's Poetry.
Paul Kaufman, Sheridan as Social Crusader:《The Rivals》,1,2 in New
Joan Fitz Gerald, The Structures of Mill's《Autobiography》.
Helmut Klinger, Intention versus Art: L. H. Myers and the Novel.
English Studies in Italy: a Select Bibliography 1977-78
Yvette Marchand, Hypothesis for an Interpretation of the Later Poems of
Edmund Spenser.
Ronald E. McFarland, Teratology in Late Renaissance English Popular
Literature .
Babara C. Millard & D.Heyward Brock, Ben Jonson's Humor Plays and the
Dramatic Adaptation of Pastral.
June Morris, A Study of Humor in Donne's Anniversaries: 《How Witty's
M. F. McBride, Thomas Sladwell on Music and Dance in Restration England.
Carolyn Chiappelli, The Single Plot Structure of Vanbrugh's 《The Relapse》.
Sarah A. Solberg, Hablot Browne: Potential R.A.?.
Alan P. Barr, Sensuality Survived: Christina Rossetti's 《Goblin Market》.
Ernest L. Fontana, William Morris's Guenevere and Dante's Francesca:
Allusion and Revision.
R.M. Gounelas, Samuel Butler's Late Works: The Motives and Methods of a
Hugh Honour, From hte House of Life.
Ren・Wellek, Mario Praz: Memories and Literary Criticism.

ISBN: 978-4-902454-19-2

第1回配本 (第1〜5巻)収録文献■

Volume 1
Marco Mincoff , The Social Background of Beaumont and Fletcher
Margaret Bottrall, The Baroque Element in Milton
Mario Praz, Anthony Trollope
Helen Darbishire, An English Impression of an Italian Genius
H. W. Hausermann, Shelley's House in Geneva
Willard B. Pope, The Masks of Keats
Edward Croft-Murray, William Kent in Rome
James Hutton, Some English Poems in Praise of Music
Kenneth Muir, The Jealousy of Jago
F. T. Prince, Lycidas and the Tradition of the Italian Eclogue
Bonamy Dobree, Chesterfield and France
Oswald Doughty, Dante and the English Romantics
Michael Lloyd, Italy and the Nostalgia of George Gissing
Georgio Melchiori, Joyce and the Eighteenth Century Novelists
Norman Douglas, On the Darwinian Hypothesis of Sexual Selection
H.W. Donner, St.Thomas More's Treatise on the Four Last Things and the
Gothicism of the Transalpine Renaissance .
Jorgen Andersen, Giant Dreams, Piranesi's Influence in England
Leslie A. Marchand, Recent Byron Scholarship
W. H. Auden, Portrait of a Whig

Volume 2
Orhan Burian, Drama in the Universities
Thomas Frank, Elizabethan Travellers in Rome
John S. Mayfield, Swinburne's Boo .
Giorgio Melchiori, Eliot and the Theatre
D. J. Gordon, Chapman's "Hero and Leander"
H. Ludeke, Shakespeare as preserver of English speech
Geogio Melchiori, The Lotus and the Rose, D. H. Lawrence and Eliot's "Four
Mario Praz, Modern Art and Literature
Michael Lloyd, Hawthorne, Ruskin and the Hostile Tradition
Oliver Evans, The Making of a Poem: Dylan Thomas's "Do not go gentle into
that good night"
Jogen B. Hartmann, Canova, Thorvaldsen and Gibson
Vivian De Sola Pinto, Rochester and Salvator Rosa
Michael Lloyd, Bulwer-Lytton and the Idealising Principle
Michael H. Futrell, Dostoyevsky and Dickens
Giorgio Melchiori, Leda and the Swan, The Genesis of Yeats' Poem
Oliver Evans, The Making of a Poem: Dylan Thomas'《Lament》
Glauco Cambon, The Crazy Boats (Dylan Thomas and Rimbaud)
E.R. Vincent, Overhearing Foscolo

Volume 3
Ivy Lilian Mumford, Musical Setting to the Poems of Henry Howard Earl of
Richard Chase, Notes on Manzoni's《I promissi Sposi》and the English and
European Traditions.
T. N. Marsh, The Turning World: Eliot and the Detective Story.
Hayden V. White, Collingwood and Toynbee:.Transitions in English History
J.R. Hale, Cosimo and Lorenzo dei Medici: their Reputation in England from
the 16th to the 19th Century..
Jeannette Fullheimer, The Section on Italy in the Elizabethan Translations
of Giovanni Botero's 《Relazioni universali》
Rosalie Glynn Grylls,《Garibaldi's Englishman》
Roberto Weiss, An English Augustinian in late fourteenth century Florence.
R. Mitchell, Italian 《nobilta》and the English Idea of the Gentleman in the
XV century.
C.M. Ady, Pius II and his Experiences of England, Scotland and the English.
John Fleming, Lord Brudenell and his bear-leader.
E.H. Thorne, Italian Teachers and Teaching in Eighteenth Century England.
Cecil Roth, An Italian Family in Oxford in the XVIII century.
C. Grayson, Finch, Foscolo and Viensseux.
E. R. Vincent, The Siege of Genova 1849 through English eyes.
D. F. Jacob, The Oxford Dante Society after the first World War.
V. White, Religion, Culture and Western Civilization in Christopher Dawson's
Idea of History.
Olga D. Bickley, Some Poems of Antonio Fogazzaro and their English Versions.
Joseph Tusiani, David Gray and Sergio Corazzini: a Parallel.
J.H. Whitfield, Pirandello and T. S. Eliot, an Essay in Counterpoint./
Apropos of Garibaldi visit to Cornwall.

Volume 4
Michael Lloyd, A Defence of Arcite.
T. N. Marsh, Elizabethan Ceremony in Literature and in the Wilderness.
Veselin Kostic, Spenser and the Bembian Linguistic Theory.
Jackson I. Cope, Joson's Reading of Spenser; The Genesis of a Poem.
Richard Flatter, The Question of Free Will, and Other Observations
C. J. M. Lubbers, A Lost Pamphlet of Giuseppe Baretti: The Voice of Discord
Sandor Baumgarten, The London Season of a Distinguished Foreigner.
J. R. Hale, Charles Lever and Italy.
Sybille Pantazzi, Enrico Nencioni, William Wetmore Story and Vernon Lee.
W. J. Hausermann, W. J. Turner and Bernard Shaw: A Disagreement.
Alain Renoir, John Lydgate, Poet of the Transition.
Ivy L. Mumford, The Canzone in Sixteenth-Century English Verse with
particular reference to Wyatt's Readings from Petrarch's Canzoniere.
Barbara Melchiori,《Still harping on my daughter》.
Osward Doughty, A Minor Preraphaelite: John Lucas Tupper.
J.R. Whitfield, The《Four Quartets》of T. S. Eliot and their Italian
Beatrice Corrigan, Browning's Roman Murder Story.
Janette Richardson, Hunter and Prey . Functional Imagery in
Chaucer's《Friar'S Tale》.
Jeanette Fellheimer, The《Subtlety》of the Italians.
Rene Wellek, George Saintsbury.
Sybille Pantazzi, Carlo Placci and Vernon Lee. Their Letters and their
Stuart J. Woolf, English public Opinion and the Duchy of Savoy.
Alan Renoir, An Echo to the Sense: The Patterns of Sound in《Sir Gawain and
the Green Knight》
T. N. Marsh, Elizabethan Wit in Metaphor and Conceit; Sidney, Shakespeare,
Robert Beum, The Scientific Affinities of English Baroque Prose.
Oswald Doughty, The reception of Wordsworth by his Contemporaries.
Lewis Thorpe, Baroness Tautphoeus, an Early-Victorian Novelist.
G. Singh, A. E. Housman and Leopardi.
George A. Panichas, 《Voyage of Oblivion》: The Meaning of D. H. Lawrence's
Death Poems
Donald Hannah, The Limitations of Liberalism in E. M. Forster・Work
Beatrice Corrigan, Giovanni Ruffini's Letters to Vernon Lee,1875-1879.

Volume 5
Ivy L. Mumford, Sir Thomas Wyattaa's Verse and Italian Musical Sources.
M. Paolina, I.B.V.M., Spenser and Dante.
Mariella Cavalchini, A Re-Evaluation of the Italian Sources of《Much Ado
about Nothing 》.
John P. Cuttis, 《The Miserific Vision》: A study of some of the basic
structural imagery of 《Paradise Lost》.
John P. Cutts, Thomas Nabbes's 《Hannibal and Scipio》.
Giorgio Melchiori, Pope in Arcady: The Theme 'Et in Arcadia Ego in his
Oswald Doughty, Coleridge and a Poets' Poet: William Lisle Bowles.
Beatrice Corrigan, The Poetry of Leopardi in Victorian England, 1837-1878.
Barbara Melchiori, The Tapestry Horse: 《Childe Roland》and
Dominic Bisignano, Enrico Nencioni and Robert Browning.
Robert Presson, The Aesthetic of Chaucer's Art of Contrast.
Alan T. Gaylord,Chaucer's Tender Trap: The Troilus and the 'Yonge, Fresshe
Patricia Thomson, Wyatt's Debt to Dante and Aristo
John E. Parish, Standing Prostrate: The Paradox in 'Paradise Lost', X, 1099,
and XI, I
Elizabeth H. Thorne, Francesco Sastres
Lawrence Poston III, Ruskin and Browning's Artists.
Charles A. Huttar, Poems by Surrey and Others in a printed Micellany circa
Ivy L. Mumford, Italian Aspects of Surrey's Lyrics.
John T. Shawcross, Milton's《Nectar》: Symbol of Immortality.
G. S. Rousseau, Seven Types of《Iliad》.
A. J. Sambrook, Cambridge Apostles at a Spanish Tragedy.
George A. Panichas, D. H. Lawrence and the ancient Greeks.
G. S. Singh, Better History and better Criticism: the Significance of F. R.
Christopher Thacker, 《The Theme of the Present Age》: Traveller's Views of
Pompey's Pillar
Sybille Pantazzi, The Donna Laura Minghetti Leonard: An International

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