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● 完全復刻版刊行中

『ジャパン・ウィークリー・メイル』 第1期:1870-1899 
◆第4回配本: 1885-1889 全10巻 + 別冊解説◆
Series I: 1870-1899 / Part 4: 1885-1889 in 10 vols. + 別冊解題/索引


2008年9月刊 / B4判
■ 約6,300頁 + 別冊120頁
■ \298,000 (税込セット価)
■ ISBN:978-4-86166-023-8
■ 発行元:Edition Synapse
■ 総発売元:紀伊國屋書店

明治期の最重要英字新聞Japan Weekly Mail紙復刻版の刊行も順調に進み、第4回配本(1885-89年)が2008年9月発刊となりました。明治中期となったこの時代、JWM紙の経営も安定、国際報道活動はさらに本格化し、日本のメディアとして初めて特約権を得たロイターからの配信や欧米主要都市に配置した通信員により、日本の報道機関の世界の窓口として大きな影響を発揮します。特にメディアの力を重視した明治政府は、不平等条約改正へ向けた欧米言論界への働きかけに間接的にこの新聞を利用したとも言われており、親日家であった主筆フランシス・ブリンクリーによる、日清・日露戦争へと向かってゆく日本を擁護した報道姿勢や、その背景にあった日英同盟締結への本紙の非公式な役割なども含め、今後の近代政治・外交史そしてジャーナリズム史の研究に、一次資料としての本紙の重要性はより高まることでしょう。


A Commercial and Political Millstone
A Diplomatic Comedy
A Diplomatic Coup
A Japanese-English Journal
A National Characteristic
A Shanghai Canard
A Strange Theory
A Wonderful Article
American Ministers in Japan
An Anglo-Japanese-Chinese Alliance
An Illustration of our Intercourse with the Japan
An Indiscreet Diplomat
An Old Mistake
An Old Scandal Revived
Asiatic Society of Japan
Athletic Sports (Tokyo University)
China and Japan in Korea
China as a "vis-a-vis"
China, Japan, and France
China's Misrepresentations
Code or no Code
Commissioner Wuh's reported Proceedings in Korea
Consul-General De Bavier's Reports
Cooperation that Cripples
Count Ito's Mission
Cricket (Yokohama v. Tokyo)
Currency Fluctuations and their Cause
Diplomatic Dilemmas
Dynamite in America
Dynamite in Japan
Education and the Japanese Mind
Educational Difficulties in Japan
Egyptian News
Eighteen Hundred and Eighty-four
England in the Soudan
Esoteric Buddhism
France and China
General Order No.45
Guide, Philosopher, and Friend
H.I.R.M.S. "Vladimir Monomak" and H.B.M.S. "Agamemnon."
Imperfect Education
Japan and China
Japan in Berlin
Japanese Arts and Manufactures
Japanese Laws and Foreign Licence
Japanese National Resources
Japanese Neutrality
Japanese Pronunciation
Japanese Women
Japan's Best Friend
Japan's Favourites among Foreigners
Korean Punishments
Lukewarm Reformers
Military Preparations
Mr. "Vernier" and Mr. Holtham
Mr. Gladstone's Resignation
Mr. Iwasaki Yataro
Mr. Wilkin's Speech at the Chamber of Commerce Meeting
Mr.R.Henry Brunton on Japanese Sanitation
Nakasendo Railway Bonds
National Roads
Nippon Race Club (Spring Meeting)
Obdurates and Egoists
Official Account of the Korean Disturbance
Official Aid to Individual Traders
Official Trading
Pagan Patriotism
Perplexities of International Law
Political Parties in Japan
Political Possibilities
Prince Bismarck and the Cameroons
Propagandists of Officialdom
Public Opinion
Reason and Custom
Rejected Addresses
Return to Specie Payments
Rice as Contraband
Russia and England in Central Asia
Sanitary Bureau Report
Sanitary Bureau Report
Silk and Tea Prospects in 1885
Sir Harry Parkes
Sir Robert Hart's Rumoured Appointment
The "Bosphore Egyptien" in its bearing on Japan
The "Jiyu Shimbun's" Views
The "Meiji Nippo" on England's Policy
The Ancient Stone Implements of Japan
The Chinese Chain of Responsibility
The Chinese Inspector-General of Customs
The Church in Japan during the XVIth Century
The Circulation of Banknotes
The Cultivation and Manufacture of Cotton in China
The Depreciation of "Kinsatsu"
The Designs of the Korean Seclusionists
The Difficulties of the Japanese Merchant
The Distress in Japan
The Distress in Japan and its Causes
The Fall of Khartoum
The Fight in Soul
The Franco-Chinese Negotiations
The Gas Committee
The Great Economical Problem
The Japanese Education Society
The Japanese-Chinese Convention
The Korean Arrangement
The Korean Imbroglio of 1884, and the Consequent Negotiations with China
The Land Tax
The Late Sir Harry Parkes
The Leading Facts of the Korean Affair as we now know them
The Mamushi
The New President of the United States
The Occupation of Port Hamilton
The Occupation of Port Hamilton from a Moral Point of View
The Organization of the Protoplasm
The Origin of Religion
The Process of Exhaustion
The Proposed French Monopoly of Railways in China
The Prospects of Buddhism
The Question between China and Japan
The Railways of Japan
The Reported Sale of Specie Bonds in London
The Rival Companies
The Romaji-Kai and the Kana-no-Kai
The Silk Trade of Japan
The Situation at Tientsin
The Situation in Formosa
The Situation in France
The Small-pox Epidemic
The Spirit of the Japanese
The Tientsin Treaty of April 19th, 1885
The Tokyo Athletic Sports
The Tokyo Water Supply
The Treaty between France and China
The True Story of the Protocol of April 4th
The Viceroy of Chihli and Sir Robert Hart
The Yokohama Chamber of Commerce on Treaty Revision
Third Bienneial Native Christian Conference
Tokyo's Buildings
Torpedoes at Vladivostock
Trade with Korea
Unjust Comparisons
What Japan asks of China
Wholesale Misrepresentations
Yokohama Amateur Rowing Club
Yokohama Amateur Rowing Club Regatta
Yokohama Cricket and Athletic Club
Yokohama Fire Brigade
Yokohama Flower Show
Yokohama General Cemetery
Yokohama General Chamber of Commerce
Yokohama General Hospital
Yokohama Public Hall Association
Yokoyama Promenade Concerts

■シリーズ既刊 : 好評発売中■
第1回配本: 1870〜1874 全10巻 + 別冊
●\248,000 (税込)●2005年12月刊行●約4,850頁 
ISBN: 978-4-86166-020-7
別冊:「『ジャパン・ウィークリー・メイル』について」 斎藤多喜夫(横浜開港資料館)+記事見出し索引

第2回配本: 1875〜1879 全13巻 + 別冊
●\298,000 (税込)●2006年9月刊行●約7,060頁 
ISBN: 978-4-86166-021-4
別冊:「初期『ジャパン・ウィークリー・メイル』と明治政府」 浅岡邦雄(中京大学)+記事見出し索引

第3回配本: 1880〜1884 全12巻 + 別冊
●\298,000 (税込)●2007年10月刊行●約6,990頁 
別冊: 「英字新聞の船舶情報欄」 伊藤久子(元横浜開港資料館調査研究員)+ 記事見出し索引

■シリーズ続刊 : ご予約承り中■
第5回配本: 1890−1894 全10巻
2009年9月刊予定 ISBN:978-4-86166-024-5

第6回配本: 1895−1899 全10巻
2010年9月刊予定 ISBN:978-4-86166-025-2

続刊:JWM第2期 1900−1917