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女性ジャーナリストの誕生:英米19世紀末〜20世紀初頭の文献集成 全4巻
Female Journalists of the Fin de Siècle
編集・解説: Lorna Shelley (University of Wolverhampton, UK)
(ES Series Historical Sources of Women’s Studies)

女性ジャーナリストの誕生:英米19世紀末〜20世紀初頭の文献集成 全4巻

● 総頁数:約 1,600頁
● 価格: ¥94,500 (本体セット)
● ISBN: 978-4-86166-130-3

世紀末の英国では、都市部の中流階級を中心に、従来の女性像の範疇でとらえられないタイプの女性たちが出現します。今日「新しい女=New Woman」と称され、英国文学、文化史の研究テーマの一つとなっているこれらのグループは、選挙や教育の機会均等を求めると同時に、職業人として社会での自立を目指します。このNew Womanたちに人気を得た専門職業の一つがジャーナリストでした。新聞、雑誌の読者層が、大衆、女性へと広がったヴィクトリア朝後期、婦人向けの家庭誌だけでなく、一部の一般誌紙も女性執筆者を迎え入れますが、それは保守的男性ジャーナリスト達の反感も招き、Gentleman’s Magazine、Pall Mall Magazineといった主要評論誌も含め様々な論争を呼びます。また、世紀末文学のなかにも女性ジャーナリストを主人公とした小説がしばしば発表されます。これらの同時代の文献では、しばしば揶揄や批判の対象とされながらも、社会との軋轢を乗り越え、20世紀初頭にはThe Freewoman、The Egoistといった、女性による優れた雑誌を生むことになります。
ヴィクトリア時代の女性の社会的役割の変化、女性と職業というテーマは、いまでは女性史の確立した研究分野となっていますが、近代ジャーナリズム成立期における女性ジャーナリストについての研究も最近注目を集めており、Margaret Beetham, A Magazine of Her Own?, 1996, Barbara Onslow, Women of the Press in Nineteenth Century Britain, 2000, Hilary Fraser et al., Gender and the Victorian Periodical, 2003など優れた研究書が発表され始めています。しかしながら、このテーマの教育と、さらなる研究の展開に必要とされる同時代の史・資料は極めて入手が困難でした。今回出版されるこの文献集は、この欠落を埋めるべく、女性ジャーナリストや彼女たちと新聞・雑誌社との関係、女性の専門職業としてのジャーナリスト、彼女たちの執筆活動、そして世紀末英国社会における位置といった問題についての一次文献と、この時代に数多く発表された女性ジャーナリストをテーマにした小説など合計49点の資料を収録します。テーマ別4巻に収録し、編者による詳しい解説と、対象とされた新聞、雑誌に関する情報を付録します。

Volume I: The Advanced Woman in Journalism and the Case against the Woman Journalist
Part 1. The Advanced Woman in Journalism
1. W.T. Stead. ‘The Future of Journalism’. The Contemporary Review. Volume 50. 1886. p.653-74
2. Beatrice Webb. ‘Pages from a Work-Girl’s Diary’. The Nineteenth Century. Volume 25. September 1888, p.301-14
3. W.T. Stead. ‘Young Women and Journalism’. The Young Woman. Volume I, 1892. p.12-14
4. Charlotte Eccles (published anonymously). ‘Experiences of A Woman Journalist’. Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine. Volume CLIII. February 1893. p.830-838
5. Elizabeth Banks. ‘American Women as Journalists’. The Author. Volume V. June 1893. p.252-53
6. “A Famous Lady Journalist: A Chat with Mrs Emily Crawford”. Young Woman 2. 1893-4: p. 183-185
7. Emily Crawford. ‘Journalism as a Profession for Women’. Contemporary Review. Volume 64. September 1893. p.362-71
8. “Mrs Fenwick Miller At Home”. The Young Woman 2. 1893-94. p. 272-275
9. ‘The Perils of a Woman Journalist: Some Personal Experiences’. Review of Reviews. Volume VII, January to June, 1893: p. 630
10. Miss Billington ‘How Can I earn my Living? Iv - In Journalism, Art, or Photography’. The Young Woman 2. 1893-4: p. 307-10
11. Evelyn March-Phillips, “Women’s Newspapers.” Fortnightly Review. Volume 62. 1893-94. p. 663-670
12. A.L.S. ‘The Women-Writers’ Dinner: A Talk with Miss Honnor Morten’. The Sketch. May 30, 1894. p.265
13. ‘A Journalistic Experiment’. The Sketch. May 30, 1894. p.228
14. ‘Women’s Employments: Reporting for the Press’. The Woman at Home. January, 1895. p.397-98
15. F.M. Billington. ‘Leading Lady Journalists’. Pearson’s Magazine. Volume II. July to December 1896. p.101-112.
16. Wilhelmina Wimble. ‘Incomes For Ladies: Journalism’. The Lady’s Realm. Volume II. May to October 1897.
17. Elizabeth Banks. ‘American “Yellow Journalism”’. The Nineteenth Century. Volume XLIV. July-December 1898. p.328-340
18. Mary Krout. ‘Women’s Clubs in London (Journalism) – Chapter IX’ in A Looker-on in London. London: Grant Richards, 1899. p.79-85
19. ‘The Woman Journalist’. The Academy and Literature. 27 September, 1902. p.309-310.
20. Florence Jackson. ‘Chances For Women in Journalism’. Harper’s Weekly. Volume 47. September 12, 1903, p.1492-3
21. Dora E’spaigne. ‘How Did You Choose Your Pseudonym?’ The Girl’s Realm. Volume 6, September 1904. p.869-74
22. Frances Low. Press Work for Women: A Text Book for the Young Woman Journalist.
London: Upcott Gill, 1904
23. M. Bird. ‘The Sentimental Journalist: The Adventures of a would-be Author in Grub Street’. The Lady’s Realm. Volume XXV. 1909. p.353-358

Part 2. “Women and Print do not mix”: The Case against the Woman Journalist
24. Walter Besant. ‘Notes and News’. The Author. March 1892, p.22-23
25. ‘The Hard Case of Women Journalists’. Review of Reviews. Volume XIII. January-June, 1896. p.430.
26. Arnold Bennett. Women and Journalism: A Practical Guide. London: John Lane, The Bodley Head, 1898.
27. Anon. ‘The Sorrows of a Scribbler – being the confessions of a magazine contributor’. The National Review. Volume XXXI, March 1898. p.63-74
28. Helen M. Winslow. ‘Confessions of a Newspaper Woman’. Atlantic Monthly. February 1905. p.206-11

Volume II: Fiction I
Part 1. Women Journalists as Characters in fin de siècle stories
29. Netta Syrett. ‘That Dance at the Robsons’. Longman’s Magazine, Volume 15. April 1890. p.630-649.
30. Anonymous. ‘The Story of Anita’. The Author. April, 1892. p.354-58
31. Edith Nesbit. ‘Miss Lorrimore’s Career’. Sylvia’s Journal. February 1894. p.131-135
32. “Belle”. ‘The Journalistic Instinct’. The Pall Mall Magazine. Volume IV. September-December 1894. p 64-69
33. George Paston. ‘A Lady Journalist’. English Illustrated Magazine. January 1895. p 65-73
34. Ella Hepworth Dixon. ‘A Scribbler’s comedy’. The Pall Mall Magazine. Volume V. January to April 1895. p. 286-294
35. George Gissing. ‘Comrades in Arms’, in Human Odds and Ends: Stories and Sketches. George Bell & Sons, London 1897. p.1-15
36. Cottrel Hoe. ‘Jennie Baxter, Journalist: Number I. The Daily Bugle Misses “A Hit”’. Windsor Magazine. December 1897. p.204-216
37. J.E. Woodmeald. ‘The Editor of the Jonquil’. The Dome. Volume 1. October to December, 1899. p. 167-181
38. Henry James. ‘Flickerbridge’ Scribner’s Magazine. Volume 31, February 1902. p.170-180
39. Jack London. ‘Amateur Night’ in Moon-Face and Other Stories 1906. London: William Heinemann, 1906. p. 57-85
40. Netta Syrett. ‘A Common Occurrence’. Harper’s New Monthly Magazine. Volume 108. February 1904. Republished in Netta Syrett Women and Circumstance. London: Chapman and Hall, 1906. p.265-300
41. Ethel F. Heddle. ‘Chapter VI: In Marigold Mansions’ in Girl Comrades. London: Blackie and Son Limited, 1907. p. 52-60
42. Keble Howard. ‘Chapter IV: Billie in Fleet Street’ in The Bachelor Girls. London: Chapman & Hall, 1907. p.32-37
43. Evelyn Sharp. ‘The Crank Of All Ages’. Rebel Women. London: A.C. Fifield 1910. p. 68-74
44. Netta Syrett. ‘The Real Facts’. The Endless Journey and Other Stories. London: Chatto&Windus, 1912. p. 103-126

Part 2. Independence, Cross-Dressing, and Journalism
45. Ellen Williams. Anna Marsden’s Experiment. London: Greening & Co., 1899.
Volume III Fiction 2: Journalism and the Modern Girl
46. Mrs Everard Cotes (Sara Jeanette Duncan). A Daughter of To-Day. New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1894

Volume IV: Press Work in Fiction and in Fact
Part 1. The Female Journalist and the “Yellow” Press in Fiction.
47. Miriam Michelson. A Yellow Journalist. New York: Appleton and Company, 1905

Part 2. “Is the woman journalist wanted?” The Female Journalist after the fin de siècle.
48. Margaret Peterson. ‘Bachelor Girls’. The Woman at Home. Volume 12 (New Series) June 1915. p.432-433
49. Myfanwy I. Crawshay. Journalism for Women. London: Fleet Publications, 1932