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アーネスト・サトウ日本日記: 駐日公使時代1895-1900 全1巻

The Diaries of Sir Ernest Satow, British Minister in Tokyo (1895-1900): A Diplomat Returns to Japan
Edited and Annotated by Ian Ruxton, Kyushu Institute of Technology
New Introduction by Nigel Brailey, Bristol University

540 頁
ISBN 4-901481-06-1
本体価格 \29,800



'The diaries in this book are complete and unbroken from Satow's arrival in Japan as Minister Plenipotentiary on 28 July 1895 until his departure on 4 May 1900. Before and after these dates a few selected entries have been included by way of introduction and conclusion (a prologue and epilogue), with a very brief narrative commentary. The Lake Chuzenji diary recounting some of the events at Satow's and other diplomats' recreation hideaway near Nikko appears separately from the main diary in the Satow papers in the Public Record
Office, and it has here been included separately after the main diary, although it covers the same time period, 1895-1900...'from Editorial Preface by Ian Ruxton