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第1回1893年大会講演集 全2巻 + 別冊解説

The World's Congress of Religions
? The addresses and papers delivered before the Parliament, and the Abstract of the Congresses, held in Chicago, August 1893 to October 1893, under the Auspices of The World's Columbian Exposition    Edited by J. W. Hanson
解説:足羽 與志子(一橋大学大学院社会学研究科・社会学部教授)

◇本体価格: \47,500
International Publishing, Chicago, 1894

「世界の偉大な歴史的宗教の指導者たちを、史上はじめて一堂に会合せしめること」を目的に、万国宗教議会(The World's Parliament of Religions)がシカゴ・コロンブス記念万国博覧会と合わせて開催した本会議は、世界各国の代表的宗教家達が、歴史上初めて平等の立場で集まり意見を戦わせた、宗教史上最も重要かつ記念すべき出来事でした。約2ヶ月間に亘り、シカゴのArt Instituteを会場に繰り広げられたこの会議には、世界中から数千人以上が参加したと伝えられ、特に仏教やヒンドゥー教など東洋からの参加宗教家は、そのいでたちからも当時のアメリカ人に強い印象を与えたようです。



Abbott, Rev. Lyman D. D
Alger, Wm. R
Arnett, Bishop B. W., D. D
Ashitsu Zitsuzen
Azarias, Brother
Baldwin, Rev. S. J., D. D
Brown, Rev. Olympia
Berkowitz, Rabbi H., D. D
Bernstorff , Count A
Blackwell, Rev. Antoinette Brown
Brand, Rev. James
Boardman, Rev. Dr. George Dana
Briggs, Charles A., D. D
Bruce, Prof. A. B
Burrell, David James, D. D
Byrne, Rev. Thos. S., D. D
Carpenter, J. Estlin
Chatschumgan, Ohannes
Chudhadharn, Prince Chandradat
Cleary, Rev. James M
Cook, Joseph
Dawson, Sir William. F. R. S
Dickinson, Mrs. Lydia H
Dennis, Rev. James S
Dharmapala, H
D'Harlez, Mgr. C. D
Donnelly, Charles F
Dvivedi, Manilal N
Drummond, Prof. Henry
Eastman, Rev. Mrs. Annis, F. F
Elliott, Rev. Walter
Ely, Prof. Richard T
Faber, Dr. Ernest
Field, Dr. Henry M
Fisher, Prof. G. P., D. D
Fletcher, Miss Alice C
Sandlhi, Virchand A
Gibbons, His Eminence Cardinal
Gladden, Rev. Washington
Goodspeed, Prof. G. S
Grant, J. A. S. (Bey)
Hale, Rev. Edward Everett
Harris, Hon. W. T
Haweis, Rev. H. R
Headland. Isaac T
Hewit, Very Rev. Augustine F
Higginson, Col. T. W
Hirsch, Dr Emil G
Ho, Kung Heien
Hirai, Kinza Riuge平井金三
Hoyt, Ex. Gov. J. W
Hultin, Rev. Ida C
Hume, Rev. R. A
Jessup, Rev. Henry H
Keaue, Rt.-Rev. John J., D. D
Kohut, Dr. Alexander
Kosaki, Prof. Harnichi小崎弘道
Landis, Prof. J. P., D. D
Lazarus, Miss Josephine Ph. D.
Lewis, Rev. A. H., D. D
Latas, Most Rev. Dionysios
Martin, Dr. W. A. P
Mendes, Rev. H. Pereira
Mueller Prof. Max
Mills, Rev. B, Fay
Modi, Jinanji Jamshedji
Momerie, Rev. Alfred W
Mercer, Rev. L. P
Moxom, Rev. Philip S
Mozoomdar, Protap Chunder
Munger, Rev. Theodore T., D. D
Murdoch, Miss Marion
Nagarkar, B
Niccolls, S. J., D. D., LL. D
Noguchi, Zenshori野口復堂
Peabody, Prof. F. G
Pentecost, Rev. Geo. F
Powell, A. M
Rexford, Rev. E. L., D. D
Richey, Rev. Thomas
Schaff, Rev. Philip, D. D
Scovell, President (of Wooster College)
Semmes, Thomas J
Seton, Rt.-Rev. Mgr
Sewell, Rev. Frank
Shibata. Rt.-Rev. Reuchi柴田禮一
Silverman, Rabbi Joseph
Slater, Rev. L. E
Slattery, Rev. J. R
Smyth, Rev. Julian K
Snell, Merwin-Marie
Somerset, Lady Henry
Sorabji, Mrs. Jeanne
Soyen, Shaku釈宗演
Spencerl Rev. Anna G
Stead, W. D
Sunderland, Mrs. Eliza R., Ph. D
Szold, Miss Henrietta
Terry, Milton S
Tiele, Prof. C. P
Toki, Horin土宜法竜
Toy, Prof. C. H
Vivekananda Swami
Valentine, Prof. M
Wade, Prof. Martin J
Warren, Rev. Samuel M
Washburn, Rev. George D. D
Webb, Mohammed Alex Russell
Williams, Mrs. Fannie B
Wright, Rev. Theodore F.,Ph. D
Wise, Dr. Isaac M
Wolkonsky, Prince Serge
Wooleyl, Mrs. Celia P
Yatsubuchi, Banrieu八淵蟠竜
Yu, Hon Pung Kwang


A New Testament Woman
A Religion of Facts Christianity
America's Duty to China
Argument for God
Argument for Immortality
Being of God
Belief and Ceremonies of Zoroaster
Bible; What it has Taught
Buddhism and Christianity
Buddhism, As it Exists in Siam
Buddhism, Man's Relation to God
Buddhism, What it has Done in Japan
Catholic Church and Scriptures
Catholic Church, Relation to Poor
Certainties of Religion
Character and Degree of the Inspiration of Seriptures
Christ the Unifier of Mankind
Christianity and Evolution
Christianity and Negro
Christianity and the Social Question
Christianity as a Social Force
Christianity as Interpreted by Literature
Church and Labor
Comparative Study of the World's Religions
Concessions to Native Religions, ldeae, Having Special Reference to Hinduiem
Cooperation of Women and Men
Crime and the Remedy
Elements of Universal Religion
End of Parliament
Errors About Jews
Essentials of Religion
Evangelism in America
Extracts from Koran
Faiths, Harmonies and Distinctions in the Theistic Teachings of the Various Historic
Genesis and Developlment of Coufucianiem
Greek Philosophy and the Christian Religion
Grounds of Sympathy and Fraternity
Hinduism as a Religion
Importance of the Study of Comparative Religions
Incarnation Idea in History and in Jesus Christ
Incarnation of God in Christ
Influence of Ancient Egyptian Religions, on Other Religions
Influence of Religion on Women
Influence of the Hebrew Seriptures
International Arbitration
International Justice and Amity
Japan, Christianity, its Present Condition and Prospects
Law of Cause and Effect Taught by Buddha
Letter From Somerset, Lady Henry
Man From a Christian Point of View
Man's Plaee in Nature
Marriage Bond, The Catholic Church and Mohammedanism and Christianity, Points of Contact
Moral Evidence of Existence God
Music, Emotion and Morals
Need of a Wider Conception of Revelation
Needs of Humanity Supplied by Catholic Church
"North American, Religion of Indians"
Only Possible Method of Religious Unification
Opening of Parliament
Orthodox Greek Church
Plea for Toleration
Practical Service of the Science of Religions to the Cause of Religious Unity
Prize Essay Confucianism
Rational Demonstration of the Being of God
Reconciliation, Vital Not Vicarious
Relation Between Anglican Church and Church of First Agos
Relation Between Religion and Conduct
Religio Scientiae
Religion and Criminal and Erring Claeses
Religion and the Love of Mankind
Religion and Wealth
Religion Essentially Characteristic of Humanity
Religion of Pekin
Religion of the World
Religions, What the Dead. Have Bequeathed to the Living
Religious as Distinguished From Moral Life
Religious Duty to Negro
Religious Mission of the English Speaking Nations
Religious State of Germany
Rest Day, The Divine Element in Weekly
Sacred Books of the World as Literature
Saviour of the World Christ
Science of Religion, Aid to, From Philosophy
Scriptures, Truthfulness of Seriptures
Scriptures, What they have Taught Seriptures
Soul and its Future Life
Spirit and Mission of tho Apoetolic Church of Armenia
Spiritual Forces in Human Progress
Study of Comparative Theology
Supreme End and Office of Religion
Swedenborg and the Harmony of Religions
The Catholic Church and Negro Race
The Civic Church
The Contact of Christian and Hindu Thought
The Essential Oneness of Ethical Ideas, Among all Men
The Ethics and History of Jaine
The Influence of Social Condition
The Message of Christianity to Other Religions
The Present Outlook of Religions
The Principles of Brahmo-Somaj
The Relation of Historic and its Future Judaism
The Religious Intent
The Religious Training of Children
The Reunion of Christendom
The Social Office of Religious Feeling
The Spiritual Ideas of Buddha Brahmo-Somaj
The Sympathy of Religions
The Ultimate Religion
The Voice of the Mother of Religions on Social Question
The Work of Social reform in India
The World's Debt to Buddha
Theology of Judaism
Tho Outlook for Judaism
What Christianity has Wrought for America
Woman and the Pulpit
Women of India
What Judaism has done for Woman
World's Debt to America



Barrows, John Henry, Editor
The World's Parliament of Religions: An Illustrated and Popular Story, Held in Connection with the Columbian Exposition of 1893
Chicago Parliament Publishing Co, 1893
