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〜第1回配本:英文書籍復刻集成』 全10巻

Critical Readings on Japan, 1906-1948: Countering Japan's Agenda in East
Series 1, Volumes 1-10: Books.

ISBN 10: 4-86166-050-5
/ ISBN 13: 4-86166-050-4

Edited and with a General Introduction: Peter O'Connor.
Scholarly introductions:
Adrian Pinnington, School of International Liberal Studies, Waseda
Ian Nish, STICERD, London School of Economics
Barak Kushner, Cambridge University
Eiri Saito, Musashino University
J.E. Hoare, SOAS, London University
Peter O'Connor, Musashino University
Hamish Ion, Royal Military College of Canada
Toshihiro Yamagoshi, Myozai Senior High School, Tokushima; Visiting
Researcher, Ritsumeikan University

● 『ジャパニース・プロパガンダ』全20巻(Japanese Propaganda: Selected Readings)に続く、日本の大国化をめぐる日本と西洋の関係史を、同時代の文献によってあきらかにする復刻史資料集。
● 前作日本の対外プロパガンダ文献に対し、新シリーズでは、日露戦争を契機に西洋社会で高まった日本批判に関する文献を集成。
● 第1回配本では単行本を復刻、2009年予定の第2回では雑誌新聞記事を中心に資料を収録予定。
● 編者による概説序文に加え、各巻頭に国内外専門研究者の解題を掲載。


VOLUME 1: Introduction by Adrian Pinnington, Waseda University
The Rev. John Toshimichi Imai
Bushido in the Past and in the Present (1906)
Tokyo: Kanazashi, c.73 p.

Homer Lea
The Valor of Ignorance (1909)
New York & London: Harper & Brothers, c.343 p.

VOLUME 2: Introduction by Ian Nish, London School of Economics
J.W. Robertson Scott
Japan, Great Britain and the World: A Letter to My Japanese Friends (1916)
Tokyo: Japan Advertiser War Publications, c.45 p.

John Paris (pseud.) (Frank Ashton-Gwatkin)
Kimono (1922)
New York: Boni & Liveright, c.320 p.

VOLUME 3: Introduction by Barak Kushner, Cambridge University
Montaville Flowers
The Japanese Conquest of American Opinion (1917)
New York: George H. Doran Co., c.288 p.

Peter de Mendelssohn
Japan’s Political Warfare (1944)
London: George Allen & Unwin, c.192 p.

VOLUME 4: Introduction by Eiri Saito, Musashino University, Tokyo
F. A. McKenzie
Korea’s Fight for Freedom (1920).
New York: Fleming Revell, c.320 p.

VOLUME 5: Introduction by J.E. Hoare, University of London
Henry Chung (Chung Han’gyong)
The Case of Korea: A Collection of Evidence on the Japanese Domination of
Korea, and on the Development of the Korean Independence Movement (c.1921)
[Foreword by the Hon. Selden P. Spencer]
New York: Fleming H. Revell, c.367 p.

VOLUME 6: Introduction by Barak Kushner, Cambridge University
Harry Emerson Wildes
Social Currents in Japan [With Special Reference to the Press]
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, (1927) c.399 p.

VOLUME 7: Introduction by Peter O'Connor, Musashino University, Tokyo
‘An American Sociologist’, (pseud.) (Ivan Kozlov)
The Socialist and Labour Movement in Japan (1921)
K?be: The Japan Chronicle (Chronicle Reprints), c.152 p.

Taid O’Conroy (pseud.) (Tim Conroy)
The Menace of Japan (1933)
London: Hurst & Blackett, c.294 p.

VOLUME 8: Introduction by Hamish Ion, Royal Military College of Canada
Amleto Vespa
Secret Agent of Japan (1938) [With an introduction by H.J. Timperley]
Boston: Little, Brown, c319 p.

Alexander Howard & Henry Newman
The Menacing Rise of Japan: Ninety Years of Crafty Statesmanship in Pictures
(1943) [With a Foreword by Lord Vansittart]
London: George Harrap, c.431 p.

VOLUME 9: Introduction by Hamish Ion, Royal Military College of Canada
A. Morgan Young
Japan’s War on China (1937)
London: Fact, c.103 p.

H. J. Timperley
What War Means. Japanese Terror in China July 1938 (1938)
London: Victor Gollancz, c.288 p.

VOLUME 10: Introduction by Toshihiro Yamagoshi, Myozai Senior High School,
Tokushima; Visiting Researcher Ritsumeikan University
Carl Crow
I Speak for the Chinese (1938)
London: Hamish Hamilton, c.136 p.

Hollington Tong
China and the World Press (1948)
China: privately published, c.292 p.