『図説 近代日本とその植民地』(英文・復刻版 全2巻)
Present-Day Impressions of Japan:
The History, People, Commerce, Industries and Resources of Japan and Japan's
Colonial Empire, Kwantung, Chosen, Taiwan, Karafuto
Compiler: W.H. Morton-Cameron / Editor-in-Chief: W. Feldwick
(底本 London & Chicago : Globe Encyclopedia, 1919)
●北里柴三郎(「日本の医学の進歩」の項目)、竹越與三郎(「日本の未来」の項目)、東北大農科大学長や北海道大学長を歴任した佐藤昌介(「日本の稲作」の項目)、特許局長官をつとめた中松盛雄、明治大学や海軍芸学校で教鞭をとったI. ブライアン、アーネスト・サトウとの共著Handbook of Japanで知られるW. B. メイソン、アイヌ研究のJ. バチェラーなど国内外の専門家が諸項目を執筆。
Volume I
1. [皇室] The Imperial Family of Japan
2. [地理、気候、自然]The Country
3. [人と歴史]The People
4. [陸軍]The Army
5. [海軍]The Navy
6. [外国大使館、公使館]Foreign Embassies and Legations
7. [外交]The Diplomacy and Foreign Policy of Japan (By D. J. Evans, Managing
Editor of The Japan Chronicle
8. [日本の未来]The Future of Japan, (By the Hon. Y. Takegoshi, Ex-Member of
the House of Representative)
9. [銀行・金融・保険業(東京、横浜)]Banking, Finance, and Insurance
(Yokohama and Tokyo Section)
10. [東京]The City of Tokyo
11. [海運業(横浜・東京)]Shipping (Yokohama and Tokyo Section)
12. [横浜港]The Port of Yokohama
13. [輸出入(横浜・東京)]Imports and Exports (Yokohama and Tokyo Section)
14. [機械の輸出入]Machinery Importers and Exporters
15. [農業]Agriculture
16. [茶]Tea (By Charles E. Atwood, Vice-President of the J. C. Whitney Co.)
17. [絹産業]The Silk Industry of Japan (By Mr. Akira Shito, Director of the
Imperial Japanese Silk Conditioning House)
18. [名古屋]The City of Nagoya
19. [林業]Forestry
20. [漁業]Fisheries
21. [憲法と法律]Constitution and Law of Japan (By J. E. Becker)
22. [教育]Education (By Dr. J. Ingram Bryan, Meiji University and the
Imperial Naval College)
23. [言語と文学]Language and Literature
24. [医学]The Progress of Medicine in Japan (By Prof. S. Kitasato)
25. [外国人]The Foreigner in Japan (By Robert Young, Editor and Proprietor
of The Japan Chronicle)
26. [日本人の特徴]Japanese Characteristics: the Physical, the Mental, and
the Moral (By Dr. J. Bryan Ingram)
27. [武道]Japanese Arts of Self-Defense (By E. J. Harrison)
28. [観光]Japan as a Tourist Land (By W. B. Mason, Joint-Author of Murray's
Handbook of Japan)
29. [京都]The City of Kyoto
30. [宗教]Religion
31. [鉱業]Mines and Minerals
32. [美術と工芸] National Arts and Crafts (Dr. J. Ingram Bryan)
Volume II
33. [大阪]The City of Osaka
34. [銀行・金融・保険業(大阪、神戸)]Banking, Finance and Insurance (Osaka
and Kobe Section)
35. [労働条件]Labour Condition
36. [特許]The Patent System (By Morio Nakamatsu, Ex-Director of the Imperial
Japanese Patent Office)
37. [製造業]Manufacturing Industries
38. [神戸]The City of Kobe
39. [輸出入(神戸・大阪)]Imports and Exports (Kobe and Osaka Section)
40. [スポーツと娯楽]Sports and Recreation in Japan
41. [新聞と雑誌]Press and Periodical Literature
42. [海運業(大阪・神戸)]Shipping (Osaka and Kobe Section)
43. [その他の港湾都市(和歌山、新潟、仙台、金沢、広島)]Other Imports Towns
of Japan
44. [国有鉄道] Government Railways
45. [郵便、電信、道路、河川、橋]Posts, Telegraphs, Telephone, Roads, River,
and Bridges
46. [専売公社(煙草、塩、樟脳、アヘン)]Government Monopolies
47. [門司、下関]The Cities of Moji and Shimonoseki
48. [長崎]The City of Nagasaki
49. [中国関東州]Japan's Colonial Empire: The Province of Kwantung
50. [朝鮮]Japan's Colonial Empire: Chosen (Korea)
51. [台湾]Japan's Colonial Empire: Taiwan (Formosa)
52. [砂糖産業]Japan's Sugar Industry
53. [樺太]Japan's Colonial Empire: Karafuto (Japanese Saghalien)
54. [アイヌ]Ainu (By the Venerable Archdeacon John Batchelor)
55. [人名注]Biographical Notes
56. [索引]Index of Commercial Notices and Portraits