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復刻シリーズ: 西洋女性宣教師の語った日本 第3回配本

第2期: 大正・昭和初期編 14文献・合本全5巻+別冊解説
Japan as Seen by American Women in Christian Mission 1913-1934 in 5 volumes


●総ページ数:約2,500頁(図版白黒多数)● 判型: A5判
●価格:¥128,000 (本体セット)
●ISBN: 978-4-86166-117-4




Garst, Laura DeLany
A West-Pointer in the Land of the Mikado, New York: F.H. Revell, 1913, 310 pp.

Madden, Maude Whitmore
In the Land of Cherry Blossom, Cincinnati: The Foreign Christian Mission Society, 1915, 192 pp.

Burton, Margaret E.
The Education of Women in Japan, New York : Fleming H. Revell, 1914, 270 pp.

Montgomery, Helen Barrett
The King's Highway : A Study of Present Conditions on the Foreign Field (Chapter V & VI: Korea & Japan, pp. 179-262 only), West Medford, Mass. : Central Committee on the United study of Foreign Mission, 1915, 84 pp.

E. S. Strachan (Mrs.)
The Story of the Years, A History of the Woman's Missionary Society of the Methodist Church, Canada 1906-1916, Vol. 3 (Japan, pp. 97-171, only), Toronto: Woman's Missionary Society Methodist Church, Canada, 1917, 75 pp.

Montgomery, Helen Barrett,
Our neighbor Japan : A book for adult classes in the Sunday school, Brattleboro, VT : Vermont Print. Co., 1917, 62 pp.

Burton, Margaret E.
Women Workers of the Orient, West Medford, Mass : Central Committee on the United Study of Foreign Missions, 1918, 275 pp.

Osborn, Catherine M.
From Dream to Reality: A Record of the Development of the Blackmer Girls' Home, Tokyo, Japan, Boston: Women's National Missionary Association of the Universalist Church, 1918, 195 pp.

De Forest, Charlotte B.
The Woman and the Leaven in Japan, West Medford, Mass : Central Committee on the United Study of Foreign Missions, 1923, 280 pp.

Erickson, Lois Johson,
The White Fields of Japan, Richmond, VA.: Presbyterian Committee of Publication, 1923, 207 pp.

Lippard, Emma Gerberding
Leaves from a Japanese Calendar, Philadelphia: Women's Missionary Society, 1923, 72 pp.

Madden, Maude Whitmore,
When the East is the West, New York: Fleming H. Revell, 1923, 153 pp.

Seabury, Ruth Isabel
Our Japanese Friends : A Course for Junior Boys and Girls, New York: Friendship Press, 1927, 145 pp.

Lippard, Emma Gerberding
Second Hand, A Story of Mission Work in Japan, Philadelphia: The United Lutheran Publication House, 1934, 157 pp.