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英文研究論文集成 全4巻

Asian American Feminisms
編集・解説:Leslie Bow, Professor, University of Wisconsin

総頁数:c.1,600pp. /
ISBN: 978-4-86166-133-4


公民権運動や、様々な領域で女性の権利を求める運動が高まった20世紀のアメリカでは 人種やジェンダーに関する研究が飛躍的に拡大します。そのなかでアジア系アメリカ人女性に関する先鋭的な研究も数多く発表され始め、今日では、ほとんどの北米の主要大学が、アジア系アメリカ人と女性研究のコースを有するようになっています。しかしながら、いくつかのアジア系アメリカ人を広く扱った出版シリーズなどはあるものの、このテーマを深くかつ包括的に網羅した基本文献集は未だ出版されておりません。

Betrayal and Other Acts of Subversion: Feminism, Sexual Politics, Asian American Women's Literature (Princeton 2001) や‘Partly Colored’: Asian Americans and Racial Anomaly in the Segregated South (forthcoming, New York University Press 2010)などの著作で知られ、このテーマの第一人者であるLeslie Bowの編集による本論文は、アジア系アメリカ人女性研究を4つの項目に分類、1970年代から今日にいたる主要な先行論文70点は弱を収録、編者の解説が書き下ろされます。


■各巻の構成 ■

Volume I.: Documenting Asian American Feminisms
Part 1: Testimony
1. Irene Fujitomi and Diane Wong, “The New Asian-American Woman,” In Female
Psychology: The Emerging Self, ed. Sue Cox (Chicago Science Research Associate
s, 1976) 236-248.
2. Katheryn M. Fong, "Feminism Is Fine, But What's It Done for Asia America?"
Bridge: An Asian American Perspective (Winter 1978): 21-22.
3. Mitsuye Yamada, “"Invisibility is an Unnatural Disaster: Reflections of an
Asian American Woman," In This Bridge Called My Back: Writings by Radical Wom
en of Color, ed. Cherrie Moraga and Gloria Anzaldua (San Francisco: Kitchen Ta
ble, 1981 [1979]) 35-40.
4. Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston, "Beyond Manzanar: A Personal View of Asian Americ
an Womanhood," In Asian Americans: Social and Psychological Perspectives, ed.
Russell Endo, Stanley Sue, and Nathanial Wagner (Ben Lomond: Science and Behav
ior Books, vol. 2, 1980) 17-25.
5. Susie Ling and Sucheta Mazumdar, "Editorial: Asian American Feminism," Cros
s-Currents 6 (Winter 1983): 3-5.
6. Lucie Cheng, "Asian American Women and Feminism," Sojourner Collective, New
York, 1984. 11-12.
7. Renee E. Tajima, "Lotus Blossoms Don't Bleed: Images of Asian Women," In Ma
king Waves: An Anthology of Writing by and about Asian American Women, ed. Asi
an Women United (Boston: Beacon, 1989) 308-317.
8. Sayantani Dasgupta and Shamita Das Dasgupta, “Journeys: Reclaiming South A
sian Feminism,” In Our Feet Walk the Sky: Women of the South Asian Diaspora,
ed. Women of South Asian Descent Collective (San Francisco: Aunt Lute, 1993) 1
9. Sonia Shah, “Presenting the Blue Goddess: Toward a National Pan-Asian Fem
inist Agenda,” In State of Asian America: Activism and Resistance in the 1990
s, ed. Karin Aguilar-San Juan (Boston: South End Press, 1994) 147-158.
10. Juliana Pegues, “Strategies from the Field: Organizing the Asian America
n Feminist Movement,” In Dragon Ladies: Asian American Feminists Breathe Fire
, ed. Sonia Shah (Boston: South End Press, 1997) 3-16.

Part 2: On Coming to Consciousness
11. Esther Ngan-ling Chow, “The Development of Feminist Consciousness Among A
sian American Woman,” Gender and Society 1.3 (Sept. 1987): 284-299.
12. Shirley Hune, "Doing Gender with a Feminist Gaze: Toward a Historical Re
construction of Asian America," In Contemporary Asian America, ed. M. Zhou and
J. Gatewood (New York: New York University Press, 2000) 413-430.
13. Karen D. Pyke and Denise L. Johnson, “Asian American Women and Racializ
ed Femininities: ‘Doing’ Gender across Cultural Worlds,” Gender and Society
17. 1 (Feb. 2003): 33-53.

Part 3: Inclusion, Exclusion, Difference
14. Haunani-Kay Trask, “Pacific Island Women and White Feminism,” from From
A Native Daughter: Colonialism and Sovereignty in Hawai'i (Monroe, Maine: Comm
on Courage Press, 1993) 263-277.
15. Maivan Clech Lam, “Feeling Foreign in Feminism,” Signs 19.41 (Summer 199
4): 865-893.
16. Eliza Noh, “Problematics of Transnational Feminism for Asian American Wom
en,” Journal of Asian American Studies 8.3 (2005): 293-307.
17. Anita Jain, "Is Arranged Marriage Really Any Worse Than Craigslist?" New Y
ork Magazine, 26 March 2005.

Part 4: U. S. Women of Color Feminism
18. Mari Matsuda, "Beside My Sister, Facing the Enemy: Legal Theory Out of Coa
lition," Stanford Law Review 43 (1991): 1183-1192.
19. Mallika Dutt, “Some Reflections on U.S. Women of Color and the United Nat
ions Fourth World Conference on Women and NGO Forum in Beijing, China,” Femin
ist Studies 22. 3 (Autumn 1996): 519-528.
20. Rachel Lee, “Notes from the (non)Field: Teaching and Theorizing Women of
Color,” Meridians: Feminism, Race, Transnationalism 1.1 (2000): 85-109.
21. Traise Yamamoto, “An Apology to Althea Connor: Private Memory, Public Rac
ialization, and Making a Language,” Journal of Asian American Studies 5.1 (20
02): 13-29.

Volume II: Shifting Foundations: Asian American Women’s Issues Across Discipl
Part 5: Women’s Lives
22. Lucie Cheng Hirata, “Free, Indentured, Enslaved: Chinese Prostitutes in N
ineteenth-Century America,” Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 5
:1 (Autumn 1979): 3-29.
23. Valerie Matsumoto: "Japanese American Women During World War II," Frontier
s 8.1 (1984): 6-14. pdf
24. Nazli Kibria, “Power, patriarchy, and gender conflict in the Vietnamese
immigrant community,” Gender & Society 4 (1990): 9-24.
25. Judy Yung, “The Social Awakening of Chinese American Women as Reported in
Chung Sai Yat Po, 1900-1911,” In Unequal Sisters: A Multi-cultural Reader in
U.S. Women's History, ed. Ellen Carol DuBois and Vicki L. Ruiz (London: Routl
edge, 1990) 195-205.
26. Annette White-Parks, “Beyond the Stereotype: Chinese Pioneer Women in the
American West,” In Writing the Range: Race, Class, and Culture in the Women
’s West, ed. Elizabeth Jameson and Susan Armitage (Norman: University of Okla
homa Press, 1997) 258-273.
27. Stacey Lee, “The Road to College: Hmong Women's Pursuit of Higher Educati
on,” Harvard Educational Review 67. 4 (1997): 803-827. 28. In-Sook Lim, “Ko
rean Immigrant Women's Challenge to Gender Inequality at Home: The Interplay o
f Economic Resources, Gender, and Family,” Gender & Society 11.1 (Feb. 1997):
29. Caroline Chung Simpson, "‘Out of an obscure place’: Japanese War Brides
and Cultural Pluralism in the 1950s,” differences: A Journal of Feminist Cult
ural Studies 10.3 (1998): 47-81.
30. Naheed Islam, “Naming Desire, Shaping Identity: Tracing the Experiences
of Indian Lesbians in the United States,” from Patchwork Shawl: Chronicles of
South Asian Women, ed. Shamita Das Dasgupta (New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers Uni
versity Press, 1998) 72-93.
31. Yen Le Espiritu, "‘We don't sleep around like white girls do’: Family, c
ulture, and gender in Filipina American life,” Signs: Journal of Women in Cul
ture and Society 26 (2001): 415-40.

Part 6: Women’s Labor
32. Evelyn Nakano Glenn, “The Dialectics of Wage Work: Japanese-American Wome
n and Domestic Service, 1905-1940,” Feminist Studies 6.3 (Autumn, 1980): 428-
33. Min Zhou and Regina Nordquist, “Work and Its Place in the Lives of Immigr
ant Women: Garment Workers in New York City’s Chinatown,” in Contemporary As
ian America: A Multidisciplinary Reader (New York: New York University Press,
2000) 254-277.
34. Miliann Kang, "The Managed Hand: The Commercialization of Bodies and Emoti
ons in Korean Immigrant-Owned Nail Salons," Gender and Society 17.6 (Dec. 2003
): 820-839.

Part 7: Transnational Work
35. Laura Kang,"Si(gh)ting Asian/American Women as Transnational Labor," posit
ions: East Asia Cultures Critique 5.2 (Fall 1997): 403-437.
36. Rhacel Salazar Parrenas, “The Philippines and the Outflow of Labor,” fro
m Servants of Globalization: Women, Migration, and Domestic Work (Durham: Duke
University Press, 2001) 37-60.
37. Catherine Cenzia Choy, “Your Cap Is a Passport: Filipino Nurses and the U
.S. Exchange Visitor Program,” excerpt from Empire of Care: Nursing and Migra
tion in Filipino American History (Durham: Duke University Press, 2003). 61-93
and 207-213.

Volume III. Disciplined Subjects, Producing culture
Part 8: Shared Vulnerabilities, Gendered Violence
38. Eugenia Kaw, “Medicalization of Racial Features: Asian American Women and
Cosmetic Surgery,” Medical Anthropology Quarterly 7.1 (March 1993): 74-89.
39. Sumi K. Cho, “Converging Stereotypes in Racialized Sexual Harassment: Whe
re the Model Minority Meets Suzie Wong,” Journal of Gender, Race, & Justice 1
(1997-1998): 177-211.
40. Sumie Okazaki, “Influences of Culture on Asian Americans’ Sexuality,” J
ournal of Sex Research 39.1 (Feb. 2002): 34-41.
41. Leti Volpp, "Divesting Citizenship: On Asian American History and the Loss
of Citizenship Through Marriage," UCLA Law Review 53 (2005-2006): 405-483.
42. Eliza Noh, “Asian American Women and Suicide: Problems of Responsibility
and Healing,” Women and Therapy 30. 3-4 (2007): 87-107.
Part 9: Reading culture, performing race
43. Elaine Kim, “‘Such Opposite Creatures’: Men and Women in Asian American
Literature,” Michigan Quarterly Review 29.1 (Winter 1990): 68-93.
44. Lisa Lowe, "Heterogeneity, Hybridity, Multiplicity: Marking Asian American
Differences,” Diaspora 1 (1991): 24-44.
45. Karen Shimikawa, “Swallowing the Tem
46. Celine Parrenas Shimizu, “Theory in/of Practice: Filipina American Femini
st Filmmaking” in Pinay Power/Peminist Critical Theory: Theorizing the Filipi
na/American Experience, ed. Melinda L. de Jesus (London: Routledge, 2005) 309-
47. Shirley Jennifer Lim, “Contested Beauty: Asian American Beauty Culture du
ring the Cold War,” excerpt from A Feeling of Belonging: Asian American Women
’s Public Culture, 1930-1960 (New York University Press, 2006) 121-153.
48. Pamela Butler and Jigna Desai, “Manolos, Marriage, and Mantras: Chick-Lit
Criticism and Transnational Feminism,” Meridians: feminism, race, transnatio
nalism 8. 2 (2008): 1?31.

Part 10: Consuming Women
49. Madhavi Mallapragada, “Home, Homeland, Homepage: Belonging and the Indian
-American Web,” New Media & Society 8. 2 (April 2006): 207-227.
50. Sunania Maira, “Indo-chic: Late Capitalist Orientalism and Imperial Cultu
re,” In Alien Encounters: Popular Culture in Asian America, ed. Mimi Thi Nguy
en and Thuy Linh Nguyen Tu (Durham: Duke UP, 2007) 221-243.

Volume IV: Intersectional analysis: Commonality and Rupture.
Part 11: Between Systems
51. Lisa Lowe, “Immigration, Citizenship, Racialization: Asian American Criti
que,” excerpt from Immigrant Acts: On Asian American Cultural Politics (Durha
m: Duke University Press, 1996) 1-36.
52. Piya Chatterjee, “De/Colonizing the Exotic: Teaching ‘Asian Women’ in a
U.S. Classroom,” Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies 21.1/2 (2000): 87-110
53. Anlin Cheng, “Wounded Beauty: An Exploratory Essay on Race, Feminism, an
d the Aesthetic Question,” Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature 19. 2 (Autumn
2000): 191-217.
54. Leti Volpp, “Feminism versus Multiculturalism,” Columbia Law Review 395
(2001): 1181-1218.
55. Leslie Bow, “Transracial/Transgender: Analogies of Difference in Mai’s A
merica.” Signs 35.1 (Autumn 2009): 75-103.

Part 12: Global Feminisms: Asian Women and the State
56. Lata Mani, “Multiple Mediations: Feminist Scholarship in the Age of Multi
national Reception,” Feminist Review 35 (Summer 1990): 24-41.
57. Anannya Bhattacharjee, “The Habit of Ex-Nomination: Nation, Woman, and th
e Indian Immigrant Bourgeoisie,” Public Culture 19. 5. 1 (Fall 1992): 19-44.

58. Sharon Kinsella, “Cuties in Japan,” In Women, Media and Consumption in J
apan, ed. Lise Skov and Brian Moeran (Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 19
95) 220-254.
59. Geraldine Heng, "'A Great Way to Fly': Nationalism, the State, and the Var
ieties of Third-World Feminism," In Feminist Genealogies, Colonial Legacies, D
emocratic Futures, ed. M. Jacqui Alexander and Chandra Talpade Mohanty (London
: Routledge, 1997) 30-45.
60. Shu-Mei Shih, “Towards an Ethics of Transnational Encounter, or ‘When’
Does a ‘Chinese’ Woman Become a ‘Feminist’”?, differences: A Journal of F
eminist Cultural Studies 13. 2 (Summer 2002): 90-126.
61. Jigna Desai, “Homo on the Range: Mobile and Global Sexualities,” Social
Text 73, 20.4 (Winter 2002): 65-89.
62. Evelyn Hu-DeHart, “Globalization and Its Discontents: Exposing the Unders
ide,” Frontiers: A Journal of Women’s Studies 24.2/3 (2003): 244-260.
63. Katharine H. S. Moon, “Resurrecting Prostitutes and Overturning Treaties:
Gender Politics in the ‘Anti-American’ Movement in South Korea,” Journal o
f Asian Studies 66. 1 (February 2007): 129?157.
64. Eunjung Kim, “Minority Politics in Korea: Disability, Interraciality, and
Gender,” In Intersectionality and Beyond: Law, Power, and the Politics of Lo
cation, ed. Emily Grabham, Davina Cooper, Jane Krishnadas, and Didi Herman (Lo
ndon: Routledge-Cavendish, 2008) 230-250.