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Critical Readings on Japan, 1906-1948: Countering Japan's Agenda and the Commu
nist Menace in East Asia.
Series 2: Pamphlets and Press
Edited and with a General Introduction by Peter O'Connor


A4判変形 全10巻:約4,150頁 (図版・白黒写真多数) 
本体セット価:¥168,000 ISBN 978-4-86166-145-7


日本の対外プロパガンダ文献を復刻集成した、Japanese Propaganda: Selected Readings (全20巻)に相対するスタイルで出版される本シリーズは、英語で発表された日本批判文献をカテゴリー別に復刻集成するものです。単行本として出版された文献17点を10巻にまとめた第1回に続く第2回配本・完結編では、新聞・雑誌やパンフレットに掲載された多様な日本批判論、60点強を復刻で収録します。欧米人による著作だけでなく、中国系の著者による文献や、中国や在米中国系新聞・雑誌からの記事や各種政治団体の資料など、非常に入手の困難で貴重な史資料が満載で、写真や図版など視覚資料も一部含みます。編者による詳細な解説とともに、今後の国際政治史、日本・アジア近代史、メディア史研究に利用価値の極めて高い文献集です。

Vol. 1: Measured Words, 1904-1925 (c.430pp)
General Introduction: Peter O’Connor

T.W.H. Crosland
The Truth About Japan
London: Grant Richards, 1904, 92pp

Wallace Irwin
Hashimura Togo, Domestic Scientist
New York: Hearst International Library, 1914, 162pp

V. S. McClatchy
The Germany of Asia: Japan's policy in the Far East
Sacramento: The Sacramento Bee Inc., 1920, 46pp

Toyohiko Kagawa, (Trans. T. Satchell)
A Shooter at the Sun
Kobe: Japan Chronicle Press, 1925, 126pp

Vol. 2: Crisis Commentary, 1932-1944 (c.410pp)
Manchuria discussed by Roy H. Agaki, T.Z. Zoo, and Joseph P. Chamberlain, Janu
ary 23, 1932
New York: Foreign Policy Association Inc., March 1932, 30pp

Hollington K. Tong
Problems and Personalities in the Far East
Shanghai: The Joint Publication Company, June 1933, 162pp

Baron Giichi Tanaka (Introduced by Kwonglee Kwon)
The Tanaka Memorial: An Outline Presented to the Japanese Emperor on July 25,
1927 by Premier Tanaka for the Japanese Conquest of China and Other Nations. A
lso a Prediction of a Japanese-American War
San Francisco: Chinese National Salvation Publicity Bureau, c. 1934, 22pp

Alexander Goslin (ed.)
The Foreign Policy Association: Clash in the Pacific
New York: Headline Books, 1936, 42pp

America’s Share in Japan’s War Guilt
New York: American Committee for Non-participation in Japanese Aggression, Aug
ust 1938, 84pp

American Historical Association
Our Chinese Ally
Washington DC: United States Armed Forces Institute, August 1944, 68pp

Vol. 3: Circling the Menace, 1932-1937 (c.330pp)
F. Leighton Thomas
Japan, the Octopus of the East
Vancouver: F. Leighton Thomas, 1932, 28pp

Union of Democratic Control
Eastern Menace: The Story of Japanese Imperialism
London: Union of Democratic Control, June 1936, 100pp

Freda Utley and David Wills
Japan Can Be Stopped!
London: News Chronicle Publications, 1937, 68pp

Japanese Aggression and World Opinion (July 7 to October 7, 1937)
Geneva: Press Bureau of the Chinese Delegation, Geneva, 1937, 132pp

Vol. 4: China Speaks, 1937-1940 (c.455pp.)
Japan’s Dependence on Foreign Supplies of War Materials
New York: Trans-Pacific News Service, December 1937, January 1938, 16pp

The Far Eastern Magazine, Vol. 1, No.3
New York: Chinese Student Patriotic Association of America, January 1938, 52pp

Mousheng Hsitien Lin (comp.)
Documents Concerning the Sino-Japanese Conflict
New York: Trans-Pacific News Service, January 28, 1938, 100pp

The Far Eastern Magazine, Vol. 1, No.5 (pp.207-258)
New York: Chinese Student Patriotic Association of America, March 1938, 56pp

China at War
Hankou: China Information Committee, April 1938, 74pp

Chen Shao-Yu (Wang Ming)
Old Intrigues in New Clothing / Chin Po-Ku on the Development the Difficulties
and the Future of the Anti-Japanese United Front
Chongqing: New China Information Committee, 1939/40, 36pp

China Defense League
Report 1939-40
Hong Kong: The Central Committee, China Defense League, 1939/40, 18pp

Vol. 5: We Speak for China, 1928-1948 (c.480pp)
China Weekly Review, Shanghai
August 4 1928, Volume 45, No.10, pp.311-342, 40pp
March 23 1929, Volume 48, No.4, pp.129-172, 52pp
August 22 1931, Volume 57, No.12, pp.447-488, 50pp
March 12 1932, Volume 60, No.2, pp.33-64, 36pp
March 19 1932, Volume 60, No.3, pp.65-96, 36pp
May 13 1933, Volume 64, No.11, pp.397-440, 48pp

W.V. Pennell (“The Scribe”)
The North China Upheaval, A Complete pictorial record of the North China Uphea
val with a Survey (1937)
Tianjin: The Tientsin Press Ltd., 1937, 44pp

China Weekly Review, Shanghai
December 17 1938, Volume 87, No.3, pp.61-104, 48pp

China Exploitation Company Un-Limited, A First-hand Study of Japanese Economic
Shanghai: American Information Committee. 160 Avenue Edward VII, Printed by th
e Mercury Press, August 1939, 42pp

China Weekly Review,
Shanghai, November 20 1948, Volume 111, No.12, pp.291-316, 32pp

Vol. 6: War without Mercy, Part 1, 1937-1942 (c.400pp)
Far East: Shells, Blood and Humiliation Teach Shanghai Meaning of What Price P
New York: Newsweek, August 28, 1937, 4pp

The Japanese Way, A photographic record of Japan’s Destruction of Civilian Li
fe and Property in China since July 7, 1937
New York: Trans-Pacific News Service, December 6, 1937, 36pp

Bruno Schwartz (ed.)
The Story of Japan in China (As Told in American Cartoons)
New York: Trans-Pacific News Service, March 10 1938, 36pp

Foreign News: Japan. So Delicate Situation
New York: Newsweek, July 7 1941, pp.21-25, 4pp

Citizenship Educational Service
Footprints of the Trojan Horse, Some Methods used by Foreign Agents within the
United States
New York: Citizenship Educational Service. Printed and distributed by The Baye
r Company, Inc. Makers of Bayer Aspirin, January 1942, 66pp

James R. Young
Our Enemy
Philadelphia: David McKay Company, 1942, 136pp

Stanton Hope
The Yellow Nazis
A Hurricane Book, London: W.H. Allen & Co., Ltd, 1942, 68pp

Vol. 7: War without Mercy, Part 2, 1943-1945 (c.485pp)
Alexandre Pernikoff
Bushido: The Anatomy of Terror. A True and Shocking Exposé of How the M
ad Japs Manhandle Captive Men and Women
Chicago: Royce Publishers, 1943, 132pp

F.S. Greenop
Dividends of Deceit, Unpopular Pamphlets No.6
Sydney: The Currawong Publishing Company, 1942, 82pp

Anthony Jenkins
Know your Enemy, Japan
New York: American Council, Institute of Pacific Relations, c.1942, 26pp

Henry Francis Misselwitz
Japan Commits Hara-Kiri: Vignettes of America at War
San Mateo, California: D. Melvin Paulson, 1945, 158pp

A.R. Lerner / W.H. Poster
A Photo-record of Axis Crime, The March of Evil (with Forewords by Professor J
ames Sheldon and former Ambassador to Germany, Hon. James W. Gerard)
New York: F.F.F. Publishers, 1945, 86pp

Vol. 8: Further Considerations, 1942-1948 (c.440pp)
Netherlands East Indies Government
Ten years of Japanese burrowing in the Netherlands East Indies. Official Repor
t of the Netherlands East Indies Government on Japanese Subversive Activities
in the Archipelago during the Last Decade
New York: Netherlands Information Bureau, 1942, 136pp

Sir John T. Pratt, K.B.E., C.M.G.
China and Japan
London: Historical Association, Historical Association Pamphlet No.149 / P.S.
King & Staples, 1944, 36pp

Harold G. Moulton and Louis Marlio
The Control of Germany and Japan
Washington D.C.: The Brookings Institution, 1944, 120pp

W.R. Wills
Inside Tokyo
Columbia, Missouri: The University of Missouri Bulletin: Journalism Week May 1
0-13, 1944, August 1 1944, pp.12-14, 3pp

John R. Morris
Covering the War against Japan
Columbia, Missouri: The University of Missouri Bulletin: Journalism Week May 1
0-13, 1944, August 1 1944, p. 15, 1p

War Department, Military Intelligence Division
The Punch below the Belt: Japanese Ruses, Deception Tactics, and Antipersonnel
Washington DC: War Department, Military Intelligence Division, Special Series
No.33, 1 August 1945, 120pp

Bertram Vogel
Japan’s Wartime Hocus-Pocus
Menasha Wisconsin: United States Naval Proceedings, Vol.74, No.542, April 1948
, pp.416-423, 8pp

Colonel George F. Unmacht (CWS, US Army)
Flame Throwing Seabees
Menasha Wisconsin: United States Naval Proceedings, Vol.74, No.542, April 1948
, pp.424-427, 4pp

James R. Young
The Menace of Shintoism
Menasha Wisconsin: United States Naval Proceedings, Vol.74, No.542, April 1948
, pp.463-465, 4pp

Vol. 9: The Other Menace, 1930-1942
Henry Hall
War in the Far East: The Threat to the Soviet Union in Manchuria
New York: International Pamphlets / The Labor Research Association, 1930, 34pp

War Creeps On! Hell over Shanghai
Leicester: Blackfriars Press (Communist Party of Great Britain), c.1933, 16pp

Kenneth W. Colegrove
Militarism in Japan
Boston & New York: World Peace Foundation, July 1936, 84pp

Earl Browder
China and the U.S.A. (October 1937)
New York: Workers Library Publishers, 16pp

Chen Lin
China’s Fight for National Liberation
New York: Workers Library Publishers, October 1938, 68pp

Chou En-Lai, Yeh Chien-Ying, Hui Di-Shan, Tung Pi-Wu, et al.
China’s Resistance, 1937-1939
Chongqing and Manila: New China Information Committee, Bulletin No.12, Februar
y 1940, 76pp

Australia-Soviet Friendship League
Fascist Japan – Ally of Hitler
Sydney: Australia-Soviet Friendship League, February 1942, 32pp

Vol. 10: 1927: The Real Enemy? (c.370pp)
Captain Eugene Pick
China in the Grip of the Reds, Sketches of the Extravagant Effort made by Sovi
et Russia to Set Up and control a Red Regime in China, with a Strong Light upo
n the Ruthless Character of Borodin and His Agents
Shanghai: North-China Daily News & Herald, Ltd., August 1927, 65pp

Anon. (O.M. Green)
The Foreigner in China
Shanghai: North-China Daily News & Herald, Ltd., 1927, 58pp

The Soviet in China Unmasked: Documents revealing Bolshevistic Plans and Metho
ds, seized in the USSR Embassy, Peking
Shanghai: North-China Daily News & Herald, Ltd., April 6, 1927, 56pp

Edgar E. Strother
A Bolshevised China – The World’s Greatest Peril
Shanghai: North-China Daily News & Herald, Ltd., November 1927, 186pp

Critical Readings on Japan, 1906-1948: Countering Japan's Agenda in East Asia,
Series 1: Books
編集・シリーズ解説:Peter O'Connor(ピーター・オコーノ 武蔵野大学)
2008年9月刊・約4,100頁・ISBN 13: 4-86166-050-4・本体価格\168,000 *価格値下げ* 

『ジャパニーズ・プロパガンダ−第1回配本 英文書籍復刻集』全10巻
Japanese Propaganda – Selected Readings, Series 1: Books 1872-1943
編集・シリーズ解説: Peter O'Connor (ピーター・オコーノ 武蔵野大学)/ 序文:Uc
hikawa Yoshimi (内川芳美)
2004年1月刊・約4,400頁・ISBN: 978-4-901481-78-6・本体セット価 \168,000*価格値下げ* 

『 ジャパニーズ・プロパガンダ−第2回配本:パンフレット集成 全10巻
Japanese Propaganda – Selected Readings, Series 2: Pamphlets 1891-1939
編集・シリーズ解説:Peter O'Connor(ピーター・オコーノ 武蔵野大学)
2004年11月刊・約4,100頁 (図版/写真多数)・ISBN 978-4-901481-81-6 本体セット\168,000 *価格値下げ* 

■推薦文■ 有山輝雄(東京経済大学教授)

1930年代、40年代の東アジアにおける日本の宣伝戦、情報戦は、相手の国の認識をいかに改変させるかにあったから、そもそも日本が欧米からどのよう見られていたのか、批判的に見られているとしたら、何がどのように批判されたのかを知ることは不可欠である。今回のCritical Readings on Japan, 1906-1948: Countering Japan’s Agenda in East Asiaと題した資料集は、この時代の貴重な文献を復刻集成するもので、第1回配本では17点の英文書籍を収録している。 続く第2回では、パンフレットを中心とした史資料の編集復刻が予定されている。今後の宣伝研究・国際政治研究の基礎となることは間違いない。