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Women's Ecuation in the Nineteenth Century
女性教育−19世紀英国基本文献集成シリーズ 第3回配本
「母」と家庭教育 全6巻
The Mother: Education in the Home

編集・解説 香川せつ子 (西九州大学)

本体セット価 ¥98,000
ISBN 4-901481-66-5


Volume 1-2
Introduction by Setsuko Kagawa, Nishikyushu University Elizabeth Hamilton, Letters on the Elementary Principles of Education, 1801-1802. Vol. 1, 413pp, Vol. 2, 455pp.


Volume 3
Louisa Hoare, Hints for the Improvement of Early Education and Nursery Discipline, 1819. 188pp.


Woman's Educational Mission: Being an Explanation of Frederick Frobel's System of Infant Gardens, 1855. 88pp. Illustrated.


Volume 4
Harriet Martineau, Household Education, 1849. 326pp.


Volume 5
Matilda Pullan, Maternal Counsels to a Daughter, 1855. 312pp.

Volume 6
Eliza Warren, How I Managed My Children from Infancy to Marriage, 1865. 100pp.

Elizabeth Blackwell, Counsel to Parents on the Moral Education of their Children, in Relation to Sex, 1878. 104pp.


Women's Ecuation in the Nineteenth Century
既刊書  −好評発売中−

「ヴィクトリア朝時代女性教育論」 全6巻
Female Education Considered: Nineteenth-Century Britain
■2002年6月刊行 ■ 本体セット価\119,800 ■ ISBN:4-901481-08-8

Vol. 1:Introduction by Setsuko Kagawa, Professor, Nishikyusyu University Elizabeth Sandford, Woman, in her Social and Domestic Character (1831), 256pp

Vol. 2: John Frederick Denison Maurice, Lectures to Ladies on Practical Subjects (1855), 304pp

Vol. 3: Emily Anne Eliza Shirreff, Intellectual Education, and its Influence on the Happiness and Character of Women (1858), 432pp

Vol. 4-5: Elizabeth Missing Sewell, Principles of Education, Drawn from Nature
and Revelation, and Applied to Female Education in the Upper Classes (1865), 2 vols.

Vol. 6: Sarah Stickney (afterwards) Ellis, Education of the Heart: Woman's Best Work (1869) 240pp

「ガヴァネス」 全6巻
Governess Education
■2003年6月刊行 ■本体セット価¥98,000 ■ISBN 4-901481-24-X

Vol. 1
Elizabeth Appleton, Private Education; or A Practical Plan for the Studies of Young Ladies, with an Address to Parents, Private Governesses and Young Ladies, 1815. 332pp.

Vol. 2
R.C. Dallaway, Observations on the Most Important Subjects of Education: Containing Many Useful Hints to Mothers, But Chiefly Intended for Private Governesses, 1818. 228pp.

Vol. 3
Mary Atkinson Maurice, Mothers and Governesses, 1847. c200pp.
英国最初の女子カレッジの校長F. D. Maurice に、ガヴァネス問題に関心を抱くきっかけを与えたといわれる実姉Mary Maurice の著作。

Vol. 4
Bessie Rayner Parkes, Essays on Women's Work, 1865. 240pp.
The English Woman's Journalの創刊者パークスが、「教育を受けた女性の労働と教育」に関する8年間の考察をまとめた論文集。ガヴァネスであった作家アナ・ジェイムソンへの献辞が付されている。

Emma Raymond Pitman, My Governess Life; or, Using my one Talent, 1883. 307pp.

Vol. 6 : Miscellaneous Writings c270pp
雑誌記事およびパンフレット文献集。ガヴァネス問題の起爆剤として著名なレディ・イーストレイクのQuarterly Review への寄稿論文、ガヴァネスの劣悪な労働条件を告発したアナ・ジェイムソンの講演録などを収


■英国19世紀中等学校大百科 復刻版 全6巻■
A Concise Description of the Endowed Grammar Schools in England and Wales
著者:Nicolas Carlisle
新序文:Christopher Stray, University of Wales, Swansea
(Series: Key Sources for British Education in the 19th Century)

2002年7月刊行 本体セット価¥119,800 ISBN:4-901481-02-9
底本:1818年刊初版 全1930頁


「ガーディアン・オブ・エデュケイション」 および 「トリマー夫人評伝」 全7巻

The Guardian of Education, 5 vols. (1802-06)
Ed. By Mrs. Sarah Trimmer
New Introduction by Matthew Grenby, De Montfort University
Some Account of the Life and Writings of Mrs. Trimmer, With Original Letters, and Meditations and Prayers, Selected from Her Journal, 2 vols.(First ed.

2002年10月刊行  本体セット価¥158,000 ISBN 4-901481-09-6


−19世紀英国学園小説復刻集− 全5巻

Victorian Novels of Public School Life
Edited and Introduced by Chris Stray, University of Wales, Swansea

本体セット価¥98,000 c2049pp ISBN 4-901481-37-1


Vol. 1
Henry Cadwallader Adams
Schoolboy Honour . A Tale of Halminster College, Routledge, 1861, 363pp

Vol. 2
Frederic William Farrar
St. Winifreds, or the World of School, A & C Black, 1862, 536pp

Vol. 3
Talbot Baines Reed
The Fifth Form at St Dominics, Religious Tract Society, 1887, 467pp

Vol. 4
Arthur Herman Gilkes
The Things That Hath Been, Longmans Green, 1894, 329pp

Vol. 5
James Edward Cowell Welldon
Gerald Eversley's Friendship, a Study in Real Life, Smith Elder, 1896, 354pp

■子供のための科学読本-19世紀英国文献集成 全7巻■
Science for Children
Series: Popular Science in the Nineteenth Century
編・序:Aileen Fyfe, National University of Ireland, Galway
シリーズ序文:Bernard Lightman, York University, Canada
解題:Aileen Fyfe, Barbara Gates, University of Delaware, James A. Secord,
University of Cambridge & Suzanne Sheffield, Dalhousie University

2003年2月刊行  本体セット価格\138,000 ISBN: 4-901481-64-9  c3057頁(図版多数入り)


第1 & 2 巻 [486pp & 463pp]
シリーズ序:by Bernard Lightman (4pp)
序文:by Aileen Fyfe [10pp]
解題:by Aileen Fyfe [5pp]
[John Aikin and Anna Barbauld]
Evenings at Home (London: J. Johnson, 1792‐6), 6 vols. bound as 2

第3巻 [401pp] (図版20)
解題:by James A. Secord [5pp]
Rev. T. Wilson (ed.) [Samuel Clark]
Peter Parley's Wonders of the Earth, Sky and Sea
(London: Darton and Clark, [1837]), xvi, 336pp, 20 plates

第4巻 [336pp] (イラスト多数)
解題:by Aileen Fyfe [10pp]
[Charles Williams]
Wonders of the Waters
(London: Religious Tract Society, [1842]) iv, 160pp, illustrations

[Sarah Windsor Tomlinson]
First Steps in General Knowledge. Part 1. The Starry Heavens (London: Printed
for the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1846) 137pp

第5巻 [597pp](図版35)
解題:by Suzanne Sheffield [5pp]
Margaret Gatty
Parables of Nature, with a Memoir of the author by J. H. Ewing (new and
complete ed., London: G. Bell & Sons, 1880) xxviii, 492pp, 34 plates

第6巻 [476pp] (イラスト多数)
解題:by James A. Secord [5pp]
John Henry Pepper
The Boy's Playbook of Science (London: Routledge, Warne, and Routledge, 1860)
vii, 440pp, illustrations

第7巻 [298pp] (図版3)
Introduction by Barbara T. Gates [5pp]
Arabella B. Buckley
The Fairy-Land of Science (London: Edward Stanford, 1879) vii, 276, + 3 plates

■ヴィクトリア朝 産業デザイン・技術教育百科 (図版入り・復刻版)全4巻■
The Technical Educator: An Encyclopaedia of Technical Education

2003年9月刊行予定 c1700頁
底本:Cassell, Peter & Galpin, 1870-73
予価:\98,000 (本体セット) ISBN 4-901481-71-1


Agricultural Drainage, by J. Wrightson, Prof. Royal School of Mines
Applied Mechanics, by Sir Robert Stawell Ball
Brick and Tile Making, Gilbert Redgrave
Builder's Quantities and Measurements, by E. Wyndham Tarn
Buttons, by Charles Hibbs
Chemistry Applied to Art, by George Gladstone
Colour, by A. H. Church
Electrical Engineering, by Edward A O'Keefe
Map and Plan Drawing, by C. C. King
Notable Inventions and Inventors, by John Tims
Optical Instruments, by Samuel Highley
Paper and Cardboard Making, by George Tindall
Photography, by T. C. Hepworth
Practical Application of the Fine Arts, by Phillip Henry Delamotte
Principles of Design, by Christopher Dresser
Seats of Industry (Manchester, Glasgow etc), by H. R. Fox Bourne
Silk Culture, by Alexander Wallace
Steam-Engine, by J. M. Wigner
Technical Education at Home and Abroad, by Sir Philip Magnus