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第1回配本 アメリカの仏教 全6巻
Buddhism in the United States, 1840-1925
Selected and with an introduction by
Thomas A. Tweed, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Series: Western Responses to Asian Religions and Philosophies
Series Editor:John Clarke, University of Kingston, London

ISBN 4-901481-72-X


第1回は仏教に関するアメリカでの初期文献の集成です。アメリカでの仏教学の発展は、米国オリエント学会で初めて仏教の発表が行われ、また超絶主義思想家たちが自らの機関誌で法華経の英訳を出版した1844年頃が一つの契機になっていると考えられ、本書もこの1840年代の文献から、20世紀初頭の著作までを50点以上を集めます。特に第1巻の雑誌論文・記事約40点は、学術誌から宗教団体誌、一般誌まで幅広く調査し収集されたものです。その著者も鈴木大拙のような東洋人宗教家、William Woodville Rockhillのようなアメリカ人旅行家、仏教に改宗した西洋人Henry Steele Olcott、Edward E. Salisburyのような学者、社会改革者であるThomas Wentworth Higginsonなど多彩な顔ぶれになっています。また、Edwin Arnoldの著書 Light of Asiaの成功や、シカゴでの世界宗教会議が開催され、日増しに高まる仏教人気に危機感を持ったキリスト教側からの反応なども収録、実に多様な視点からの文献が集められています。第2-6巻は仏教の受容を年代順に5つに大別し、アメリカでの仏教の基礎が築かれた1870年代から、仏教への批判、批判に対する回答、などの期間を経て、仏教が定着し教育やより深い理解の時代に向かう20世紀初頭まで、各時代を代表する著書12作が収録されま す。編者Thomas Tweed (The American Encounter with Buddhism, 1844-1912の著者) による解説が書き下ろされます。



『アメリカの仏教』を推薦する。  国際日本文化研究センター 所長 山折哲雄

  これまでわれわれは、西欧の文化や思想を日本がいかに受容してきたか、ということばかりをきかされてきた。  それは、実際そうだったのであるから、いたし方のないことかもしれない。しかし、そのような観点に、いつまでも縛られている必要はないだろう。なぜならその日本を含めてアジアの文化や宗教もまた、西欧世界に意味ある刺激と影響を及ぼしてきたと思うからだ。だがそのような分野における研究や関心は、これまでのところ寥々たるものだったのではないか。

Volume 1 Contacts and Exchanges in Print Culture:
Encountering Buddhism in US Periodicals, 1844-1903


1. Elizabeth Palmer Peabody, “The Preaching of Buddha,” Dial 4 (January 1844)
2. Edward E. Salisbury, “Memoir on the History of Buddhism,” Journal of the American Oriental Society 1, no. 2 (1844)
3. William R. Alger, “The Brahmanic and Buddhist Doctrine of a Future Life,” North American Review 86 (April 1858)
4. James Freeman Clarke, “Buddhism; or, The Protestantism of the East,” Atlantic Monthly 23 (June 1869)
5. “A Visit to Bangkok,” Harper’s New Monthly Magazine 41 (August 1870)
6. Lydia Maria Child, “Resemblances between the Buddhist and Roman Catholic Religions,” Atlantic Monthly 26 (December 1870)
7. Thomas Wentworth Higginson, “The Character of Buddha,” Index 3 (16 March 1872)
8. R. H. Graves, “Three Systems of Belief in China,” Baptist Quarterly 6 (1872)
9. [Edward Hungerford], “Buddhism and Christianity,” New Englander 33 (April 1874)
10. John Ogden Gordon, “The Buddhist and Christian Ideas of Hell,” Presbyterian Quarterly and Princeton Review, n.s. 4 (1875)
11. Dyer Daniel Lum, “Buddhism Notwithstanding: An Attempt to Interpret Buddha from a Buddhist Standpoint,” Index 29 (April 1875): 195?96, (6 May 1875)
12. Felix Adler, “A Prophet of the People,” Atlantic Monthly 37 (June 1876)
13. William M. Bryant, Review of The Indian Saint; or, Buddha and Buddhism, by Charles de Berard Mills, The Western, n.s. 3 (August 1877)
14. Helena P. Blavatsky, “The Light of Asia,” Theosophist 1 (October 1879)
15. Helena P. Blavatsky, “New York Buddhists,” Theosophist 2 (April 1881)
16. Samuel Henry Kellogg, “The Legend of the Buddha, and the Life of Christ,” Bibliotheca Sacra 39 (July 1882)
17. Friedrich Max Muller, “Buddhist Charity,” North American Review 140 (March 1885)
18. John Gmeiner, “The Light of Asia and the Light of the World,” Catholic World 42 (October 1885)
19. Philangi Dasa [Herman Vetterling], “Prospectus” and “Why Buddhism?” Buddhist Ray 1 (January 1888)
20. Felix Oswald, “Was Christ a Buddhist?” Arena 3 (January 1891)
21. Frank Field Ellinwood, “Buddhism and Christianity?A Crusade That Must Be Met,” Missionary Review of the World, n.s. 4 (February 1891)
22. William Woodville Rockhill, “An American in Tibet: An Account of a Journey through an Unknown Land,” Century 41 (November 1890), (December 1890), (January 1891), (February 1891), (March 1891)
23. George L. Mason, “Buddhism and Romanism,” Missionary Review of the World, n.s. 4 (September 1891)
24. Ernest Francisco Fenollosa, “Chinese and Japanese Traits,” Atlantic Monthly 69 (June 1892)
25. Frederick J. Masters, “ Pagan Temples in San Francisco,” Californian 2 (November 1892)
26. William Davies, “The Religion of Gotama Buddha,” Atlantic Monthly 74 (September 1894)
27. R. M. Ryan, “The Lustre of the Light of Asia,” Catholic World 61 (September 1895)
28. Henry M. King, “Shall We Become Buddhists?” Christian Literature 14 (November 1895)
29. Paul Carus, “The Prophet of Pessimism,” Open Court 11 (May 1897)
30. J. S. Geisler, “Buddha and His Doctrine,” American Catholic Quarterly Review 22 (October 1897)
31. Frank Field Ellingwood, “To Soyen Shaku,” Open Court 11 (January 1897)
32. Anagarika Dharmapala, “Is There More than One Buddhism?: In Reply to the Rev. Dr. Ellinwood,” Open Court 11 (February 1897)
33. J. Wesley Johnston, “Christ and Buddha: Resemblances and Contrasts,” Methodist Review 80 (January 1898)
34. Thomas William Rhys Davids, “Buddhism,” North American Review 171 (October 1900)
35. M. L. Gordon, “Shall We Welcome Buddhist Missionaries to America?” Open Court 14 (May 1900)
36. Paul Carus, “Editorial Reply [to M. L. Gordon],” Open Court 14 (May 1900)
37. “First Temple of Buddha Installed on American Ground,” Light of Dharma 1 (December 1901)
38. “Colonel Olcott’s Address at the Buddhist Mission,” Light of Dharma 1 (April 1901)
39. Sister Sanghamitta [Marie de Souza Canavarro], “The Ethics of Buddhism; or, The Noble Eightfold Path,” Light of Dharma 1 (June 1901)
40. “Frank Graeme Davis to Rev. Nishijima,” 27 April 1901, Light of Dharma 1 (June 1901)
41. Albert J. Edmunds, “Gospel Parallels from Pali Texts,” Open Court 16 (September 1902)
42. D. T. Suzuki, “What Is Buddhism?” Light of Dharma 2 (April 1902)
43. Clarence Edgar Rice, “ Buddhism as I Have Seen It,” Arena 27 (May 1902)
44. Myra E. Withee, “Is Buddhism to Blame?” Mind 10 (September 1902)
45. Eleanor Hiestand Moore, “The Ethical Side of the Material,” Light of Dharma 3 (October 1903) 46.Thomas B. Wilson, “Buddhism in America,” Light of Dharma 3 (April 1903)

Volume 2 Imagining Buddhism's Founder
Charles De Berard Mills
The Indian Saint; or, Buddha and Buddhism: A Sketch, Historical and Critical (1876)

E. D. Root
Sakya Buddha: A Versified, Annotated Narrative of His Life and Teachings (1879)

Volume 3 Challenging Buddhism's Popularity
Samuel Henry Kellogg
The Light of Asia and the Light of the World: A Comparison of the Legend, the Doctrine, and the Ethics of the Buddha with the Story, the Doctrine, and the Ethics of Christ (1885)

Volume 4 Answering Buddhism's Critics
Paul Carus
Buddhism and Its Christian Critics (1897)

The Dharma; or, The Religion of Enlightenment: An Exposition of Buddhism

The Buddha: A Drama in Five Acts and Four Interludes

Volume 5 Explaining Buddhism's Teachings
Henry Steel Olcott
The Buddhist Catechism (1903)

Albert J. Edmunds
Buddhist and Christian Gospels, Now First Compared from the Originals (1904)

Soyen Shaku
Sermons of a Buddhist Abbot: Addresses on Religious Subjects (1906)

Volume 6 Presenting Convert Interpretations
William Sturgis Bigelow
Buddhism and Immortality (Ingersoll Lecture, 1908)

C. T. Strauss
The Buddha and His Doctrine (1923)

Marie De Souza Canavarro
Insight into the Far East (1925)