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英国19世紀から20世紀初頭の文献集 全3巻

Women & Cross-Dressing in Britain: Victorianism to Modernity
編集・解説:Heike Bauer, University of London.
ES Series: Historical Sources of Women's Studies

c.1,250pp (図版・写真入)
\68,000 (本体セット)
ISBN: 4-901481-92-4


...Women and Cross-Dressing to some extent bridges the distinct approaches, offering a more inclusive definition of the term cross-dressing. It aims to capture the historic specificities of female transgression, understanding cross-dressing in broad terms as the cultural practice of assuming or being thought to assume a gender role of the opposite sex. While most obviously
this can be achieved through dress, enabling the cross-dresser to ‘pass’ as a member of the opposite sex, the anthology makes clear that the conceptual scope needs to be widened to fully account for the historical variety of the phenomenon. Cross-dressing is placed within a wider cultural context, charting the transformation of gender roles and related changes in dress. If critics have mapped the many histories of sexuality, a focus on the history of women and cross-dressing offers a new perspective on one of the most decisive periods in the history of feminism, for the woman who crosses gender boundaries offers a particularly apt example of the frequently intermeshed emancipatory and oppressive socio-political discourses of sex and gender.... --from the introduction by Heike Bauer, University of London


*ヴィクトリア期に性の解放を唱え物議をかもしたHavelock Ellis、衣服に関するフロイド的精神分析を初めて試みたJ. C. Flugel、 同性愛者の権利を訴えScientific Humanitarian Committee(科学人道委員会)を設立したドイツ人医師Magnus Hirschfeldなど、ヴィクトリア期からモダニズム期の研究論文。

*少年の姿で鼓笛隊に入りBritish Amazonと称されたMary Ann Talbotや夫の代わりに南北戦争に参加したLoretta Janeta Velasquez、英国陸軍に軍医として従軍しその秘密が死後に大きなスキャンダルとなったDr. James Barryなど、性を隠し男装して戦争に関わった19世紀の女性たちに関する評伝。

*19世紀フランスのスピリテュアリストLeon Denisの著作でコナン・ドイルにより英国に紹介され評判となった、男装のジャンヌ・ダルクの聖性を描いた伝記。

*男装でアメリカロッキー山脈を旅したイザベラ・バード、男装の小説家でその小説が発売禁止となったRadcliffe Hall、模範的な英国紳士として家庭を築いていながら女性であることがわかり詐欺罪で有罪判決を受けたBarker大佐ことValeri Arkell-Smithらに関する様々か記録。


Women and Cross-Dressing in Britain: 1800-1939


Volume I:
Theories: Sexology and the Taxononies of Gender (pp.385)
Introduction [42pp]

I. Constructions of Gender
・W. Blair Bell, The Sex Complex: A Study of the Relationship of the Internal Secretions to the Female Characteristics and Functions in Health and Disease (London: Balliere, Tindall and Cox, 1916), pp.100-122 [=24pp ].

・Bernhard A. Bauer, Woman (Wie bist du Weib): A Treatise on the Anatomy, Physiology, Psychology, and Sexual Life of Woman with an Appendix on Prostitution, trans. E.S. Jerdan and Norman Haire (London: Jonathan Cape
[1927]), 243-252 [=11pp].

・J.C. Flugel, The Psychology of Clothes (London: Hogarth Press, 1930),
pp.103-121 [=20pp].

・J.C. Flugel, ‘Sex Difference in Dress’, in Norman Haire (ed.), World League for Sexual Reform Congress: London: 8-14:ix:1929 (London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co, 1930), pp. 461-467 [=8pp].

・Magnus Hirschfeld, Sex in Human Relationships, trans. John Rodker (London: John Lane the Bodley Head, [1935]), pp.20-27 and 78-87 [=19pp].

・Joseph Tenenbaum, The Riddle of Woman: A Study in the Psychology of Sex (London, John Lane the Bodley Head, 1939), pp.55-95 [=42pp].

II. Case studies
・Richard von Krafft-Ebing, Psychopathia Sexualis, with Reference to the Contrary Sexual Instinct: A Medico-Legal Study, trans. Charles Gilbert Chaddock (Philadelphia and London, 1892), pp. 279-280; 284-286; 302-304;
308-317; 428-430 [=22pp].

・Havelock Ellis, Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Vol. VII: Eonism and Other Supplementary Studies (Philadelphia: F.A. Davies, 1928), pp.1-110 (women) [=111pp].

・Havelock Ellis, The Psychology of Sex: A Manual for Students (London: William Heinemann, 1933), pp.188-201; 208-211 [=19pp].

・Magnus Hirschfeld, Sexual Anomalies and Perversions: Physical and Psychological Development and Treatment, no trans. (London: Torch [1936]),
pp.187-223 [=38pp].

・Ernest Crawley, The Mystic Rose: A Study of Primitive Marriage (London: Macmillan and Co., 1902), pp.267-270 [=5pp].

・Edward Carpenter, Intermediate Types among Primitive Folk: A Study in Social Evolution (London: George Allen, 1914), pp.36-49; 114-115 [=17 pp].

・Wilhelm Stekel, Sexual Aberrations: The Phenomenon of Fetishism in Relation to Sex, trans. Sam Parker (London: John Lane the Bodley Head [1930]), vol.2, pp.281-318 [38pp].

・Magnus Hirschfeld, Women East and West: Impressions of a Sex Expert, no trans. (London: William Heinemann,1935), pp.27-31; 101-103 and 138-140 [=12pp].

・George Ryley Scott, Scott’s Encyclopaedia of Sex: A Practical Encyclopaedia Arranged in Alphabetical Order, Explanatory of Everything Pertaining to Sexual Physiology, Psychology and Pathology (London: T. Werner Laurie, 1939), pp. 121; 266-267; 324-325 [=7pp].

Volume II:
Fictions and Lives (474 pp)
・Edward Stirling, Captain Charlotte. A Farce in Two Acts (London: Thomas Hailes Lacy, 1843), 3-28 [=29 pp].

・Charles Whibley, ‘Moll Cutpurse’, A Book of Scoundrels (London: William Heinemann, 1897), pp.59-74 [=17 pp].

・Menie Muriel Dowie, Introduction in her (ed.), Women Adventurers: The Lives of Madame Velasquez, Hannah Snell, Mary Anne Talbot, and Mrs Christian Davies (London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1893, pp.v-xxiii [=20pp].

・Mary Anne Talbot, The Life and Surprising Adventures of Mary Ann Talbot in the Name of John Taylor (London: Kirby, 1809) [=62pp].

・C.J. Worthington, A Woman in Battle: A Narrative of the Exploits, Adventures and Travels of Madame Loretta Janeta Velasquez otherwise known as Lieutenant Harry T. Bulard (Hartford: T. Belknap, 1876) [=51pp].

・Margaret Tabor, ‘Isabella Bird’, in her Pioneer Women (London: The Sheldon Press) [=31pp].

・Isabella Bird, A Lady’s Life in the Rocky Mountains (London: John Murray, 1879) [=31pp].

・Leon Denis, The Mystery of Joan of Arc, trans. Arthur Conan Doyle (London: John Murray [1924]) [=233pp].

Volume III:
Fictions and Lives 2 (375 pp)
・Charles Reade, ‘Androgyny, or Woman Playing at Man’, English Review (1911), pp. 10-29 and 191-212 [=42pp].

・James Douglas, ‘A Book That Must Be Suppressed’, Sunday Express, 19 August 1928, p.10 [=1p].

・Ethel Mannin, ‘Radclyffe Hall’, in Confessions and Impressions (London: Jarrolds, 1930), pp.226-229 [=5pp].

・E.F. Benson, The Male Impersonator (London: Elkin Mathews and Marrot, 1929) [=29pp].

・Anon, ‘Woman’s Strange Life as a Man’, Daily Express, 6 March 1929, pp. 1-2 [=2pp].

・Anon, ‘How the Colonel’s Secret Was Revealed’, Daily Sketch, 6 March 1929, pp. 1-2 [=2pp].

・Anon, ‘Amazing Mystery of a Man-Woman: Sex Changed at the Age of 29’, Daily Express, 24 March 1930, p.1-2 [2pp].

・Anon, ‘“Girl” Who Was A Man: Error that lasted 24 years’, The Sunday Times, 11 December 1932, p.23 [=1p].

・Photograph: Two male impersonators (US)

・Photograph: Two women in suits seated on a horse carriage drinking beer (Wisconsin, US).

・Photograph: ‘Industry, Transport and Agriculture: A woman wearing trousers and overall, bent under the weight of a hundredweight sack of coal she is carrying, at the South Metropolitan Gas Company, Old Kent Road, London’ (Ministry of Information First World War Official Collection, Women in the First World War, Imperial War Museum Q28002).

・Photograph: ‘Industry, Transport and Agriculture: A full length portrait of two munition workers (munitionettes) at Woolwich Arsenal, showing their short overalls, trousers and caps (Ministry of Information First World War Official Collection, Women in the First World War, Imperial War Museum

・Photograph: ‘Medicine: The two “Women of Pervyse”, Mairi Chisholm and the Baroness de T’Serclaes driving their motor ambulance through the ruins of Pervyse. The two women manned a first aid post in the Belgian front line for most of the war’ (Ministry of Information First World War Official Collection, Women in the First World War, Imperial War Museum Q2662).

・Photograph: ‘Women’s Royal Naval Service: WRNS officer instructing ratings in the use of anti-gas respirators at Lowescroft. The officer is wearing a tailored uniform and the rating a serge jacket and skirt’(Ministry of Information First World War Official Collection, Women in the First World War, Imperial War Museum, Q19655).

・Photograph: ‘Women’s Royal Naval Service: A WRNS motor driver in the driving seat of an open car’ (Ministry of Information First World War Official Collection, Women in the First World War, Imperial War Museum, Q19657).

・Photograph: ‘Industry, Transport and Agriculture: An Inspector and Sergeant in the Women’s Police Service’ (Ministry of Information First World War Official Collection, Women in the First World War, Imperial War Museum, Q 30339).

・Photograph: ‘Shipbuilding: Women dockyard workers at the blacksmith’s forge when destroyer HMS ASHANTI was undergoing a refit at Immingham’ (Admirality Second World War Official Collection, War Industry in Britain, Imperial War Museum A8300).

・Olga Racster and Jessica Grove, Dr James Barry: Her Secret Story (London: Gerald Howe [1932]) [281 pp].