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日本語別冊「英国策論」 付き
Collected Works of E.M.Satow Pt. 2

価格:\116,000 (本体セット)

アーネスト・サトウの発表した数多くの新聞記事、雑誌論文を集成する全集第2期がいよいよ発刊となります。サトウの著作活動は、当初ジャパン・タイムズ、ジャパン・ヘラルド、ジャパン・ウィークリー・メイルなど日本で刊行されていた英字新聞を舞台に始まり、その後日本アジア協会誌等の学術誌にその場を移してゆきます。英国の外交政策問題から、日本史・文学の翻訳、そして後に 'Handbook for Travellers' として結実した日本各地の紀行文など実に幅広い著述がこれらの刊行物のなかに発見され、外交官研究者としてのサトウの思考、活動の軌跡をたどる上で、最も興味深い原資料になっています。

本集成は無署名で発表されたものも含め、各所に散在していたこれらの著述約80点を集大成します。 新聞記事の一部は新版で、その他は復刻にて収録します。また、英文原書は一部所在が確認されていない「英国策論」の日本語版を付録します。

新聞: The North-China Herald, The Japan Herald, The Japan Times, The Japan Weekly Mail, Tokio Times
雑誌:The Chinese and Japanese Repository, The Phoenix, The Atheneum, TASJ, The Westminster Review, The Chrysanthemum, Journals of Society of Arts, Journal of Buddhist Text Society, Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, The Quarterly Review, Cambridge, Historical Journal, The New East など。


西洋のジャパノロジストの著作を、雑誌論文、記事なども網羅し集成するシリーズです。監修には京都造形芸術大学学長 芳賀徹氏があたっています。

第1回 「アストン全集 全6巻」 Collected Works of W. G. Aston
1997年1月刊 ISBN1-86210-000-4 本体価格 \147,000 在庫切れ

第2回「アーネスト・サトウ全集 第1期 全12巻 」Collected Works of E.M.Satow Pt. 1
1998年6月刊 ISBN4-931444-06-7 本体価格\258,000 

第3回 「F. V. ディキンズ全集 全7巻」Collected Works of Frederick V. Dickins
1999年9月刊 ISBN4-931444-07-5 本体価格\148,000

第4回 「B. H. チェンバレン全集 第1期」 
2000年3月刊行 ISBN 4-931444-10-5 本体価格\178,000 



1. [Particulars relative to the execution of the two Japanese suspected of having been implicated in the murder of Major Baldwin and Lieutenant Bird], 'A Correspondent at Yokohama', The North-China Herald, 1864
2. 'Japanese Account of the Expedition to Simonoseki', The Japan Commercial News, 1865
3. 'The Various Styles of Japanese Writing', The Chinese and Japanese Repository, 1865
4. 'Report of the Trial of the Ronin Shimidzoo Seiji', Supplement to The Japan Herald, 1865
5. 'Diary of a Member of the Japanese Embassy to Europe in 1862-63', The Chinese and Japanese Repository, 1865 & The Japan Times, 1865-1866
6. 'The Fall of the City of Chinkiang-fu, The Chinese and Japanese Repository, 1865
7. [English Policy (Eikoku Sakuron)], The Japan Times, 1866
8. 'The Ainos of Yezo', The Ph?nix, 1870
9. 'An Episode in Japanese History', The Ph?nix, 1871
10. 'The History of the Hojo Family: A Fragment from the Nihon Guaishi of Rai Sanyo'
The Japan Weekly Mail, 1871-1872
11. 'Japanese History, Translated from the Original Chinese. Nihon Guaishi: Earlier History of the Minamoto Family', The Japan Weekly Mail, 1872
12. 'Nihon Guaishi: Actual History of the Minamoto Family', The Japan Weekly Mail, 1872
13. 'Notes on Loochoo' , TASJ, 1872-1873
14. 'The Geography of Japan' , TASJ, 1872-1873
15. Mr. Lowder's Historical Accuracy', Letter to the Editor of The Japan Weekly Mail, 1874,
16. 'The Shinto Temples of Ise', TASJ, 1873-1874
17. 'The Revival of Pure Shinto', TASJ, 1874
18. 'Language and Literature of Japan', ed. George Ripley and Charles A. Dana, The American Cycloaedia: A Popular Dictionary of General Knowledge, vol. 9, New York: 1874,
19. [At H.B.M.'s Consulate], The Japan Herald, (7 January 1865)
20. [In H.B.M.'s Consulate Court], Supplement to The Japan Herald, (14 January 1865)
21. [Notifications], Supplement to The Japan Herald, (22 July 1865)
22. 'Arrangements for the Establishment of Foreign Settlements at the Port of Hiogo and at Osaka', The Daily Japan Herald, (27 May 1867)
23. 'The Osaka Convention', The Japan Times, (29 June 1867)
24. 'Memorial of Okubo Ichizo of the Satsuma Clan', The Japan Herald, 20 April 1868
25. 'The Abolition of the Feudal System in Japan', The Japan Weekly Mail 1871
26. 'Review: A Short Grammar of the Japanese Spoken Language, by W.G. Aston', The Japan Weekly Mail, 1871
27. 'Travel in the Interior (About Fuji; Hakone - Atami)', The Japan Weekly Mail, 1872
28. 'Travel in the Interior: Yedo to Nikko and Back', The Japan Weekly Mail, 1872
29. [Review of] 'A Grammar of the Japanese Written Language, with a Short Chrestomathy, by W. G. Aston', The Athenaum, 1872
30. 'Notes of Travel: From Kioto to Yedo by the Nakasendo', The Japan Weekly Mail, 1873
31. 'Notes of Travel: The Tama Gawa Valley', The Japan Weekly Mail, 1873
32. 'Notes of Travel: Oyama and Its Neighbourhood', The Japan Weekly Mail, 1873


33. '[Observations upon the Causes Which Led to the Downfall of the Christian Mission in Japan]' TASJ, 1877-1878
34. 'The Introduction of Tobacco into Japan' , TASJ, 1877-1878
35. 'The Korean Potters in Satsuma' , TASJ, 1878
36. 'The Use of the Fire-Drill in Japan' , TASJ, 1878
37. 'Notes of a Visit to Hachijo in 1878'TASJ, 1878
38. 'The Climate of Japan by Dr. J. J. Rein, Professor of Geography at the University of Marburg, Translated by E. Satow', TASJ, 1878
39. 'The Mythology and Religious Worship of the Ancient Japanese', The Westminster Review, 1878
40. 'Ancient Japanese Rituals', TASJ, 1879
41. 'Vicissitudes of the Church at Yamaguchi from 1550 to 1586', TASJ, 1879
42. 'Correspondence: Messrs. Satow and Ishibashi's Dictionary', letter to the Editor of The Tokio Times, 1879
43. 'On the Transliteration of the Japanese Syllabary', TASJ, 1879


44. 'Reply to Dr. Edkins on "Chi" and "Tsu"' , TASJ, 1880
45. 'Ancient Sepulchral Mounds in Kaudzuke', TASJ, 1880
46. [Review of] 'Handbook of English-Japanese Etymology, by William Imbrie', The Chrysanthemum,1881
47. 'A Sanskrit MS', The Chrysanthemum,1882
48. 'Notes on Dr. Edkins' Paper "A Chinese-Japanese Vocabulary of the Fifteenth Century"', TASJ, 1882
49. 'On the Early History of Printing in Japan', TASJ, 1882
50. 'Further Notes on Movable Types in Korea and Early Japanese Printed Books', TASJ 1882
51. 'Notes on the Intercourse between Japan and Siam in the Seventeenth Century', TASJ 1884
52. 'The Origin of Spanish and Portuguese Rivalry in Japan', TASJ 1890
53. 'The Laos States, Upper Siam' , Journal of the Society of Arts, 1892
54. 'Visit to the Ruins of Sukkhothai and Sawankhalok, Siam', Journal of the Society of Arts . 1892
55. 'History of the Introduction of Buddhism into Japan', Journal of the Buddhist Text Society of India, 1894
56. 'Life of Buddha', Journal of the Buddhist Text Society of India


57. 'The Jesuit Mission Press in Japan', TASJ 1899
58. 'The Cultivation of Bamboos in Japan' , TASJ, 1899
59. Preface to The Chinese Empire: A General and Missionary Survey, by Marshall Broomhall, 1907
60. An Austrian Diplomatist in the Fifties: The Rede Lecture Delivered in the Cambridge Senate-House on June 13, 1908, 1908
61. 'The Far East, 1815-71', chap. 28 in The Growth of Nationalities, vol. 11 of The Cambridge Modern History, 1909
62. Preface to Saint Theresa: The History of Her Foundations, trans. Sister Agnes Mason, 1909
63. 'The Foundation of the Third Republic', The Quarterly Review, 1909


64. 'Notices of Books: Dictionnaire des formes cursives des caracteres chinois, par Stanislas Millot', The Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland (1910):
65. 'The Immunity of Private Property at Sea' (anon.), The Quarterly Review, 1911
66. Letter in An Episode from the Life of Count Inouye, by K. Tsudzuki ,1912
67. 'A Monster Dragon', in Specimens of English Translation from Eminent Writers, ed. Senkichiro Katsumata, 1912
68. 'Private Property at Sea in Time of War: A Reply to Lord Avebury', The Nineteenth Century and After , 1913
69. 'The Treatment of Enemy Aliens' (anon.), The Quarterly Review, 1915
70. 'Germany's Violations of International Law', The New East , 1917
71. 'The "Freedom of the Seas"', The New East 1918
72. International Congresses, Handbooks Prepared under the Direction of the Historical Section of the Foreign Office, 1920
73. 'The Reorganisation of Europe', The Quarterly Review , 1921
74. 'Peacemaking, Old and New', The Cambridge Historical Journal, 1923
75. 'Pacta sunt servanda or International Guarantee', The Cambridge Historical Journal, 1925
76. 'The Congress of Aix-la-Chapelle', The Cambridge Historical Journal, 1925
77. 'Donald James Mackay', in The Dictionary of National Biography, 1912-1921, ed. H.W.C. Davis and J.R.H. Weaver ,1927

英国外交官の日本学 ―「日本」の実像把握のために
京都造形芸術大学 学長 芳賀 徹
