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K. レフシン編集「アイヌ・ライブラリー」 第4回配本

アイヌの宗教と民間伝承 全5巻

Early European Writing on Ainu Culture: Pt. 2 Religion and Folklore

本体セット価 \115,000-
ISBN: 4-931444-25-3



●バチェラー、マンローなどの代表的著作に加え 入手の困難な雑誌論文など約40点を収録



編者K. レフシンの詳しい解説文付き。

Volume 1
Batchelor, J., (1892). The Ainu of Japan. London: Religious Tract Society.

Volume 2
Batchelor Articles
Batchelor, J., (1888-89). 'Specimens of Ainu Folklore', I-VII. TASJ, 16 pp.
Batchelor, J., (1889-90). 'Specimens of Ainu Folklore', VIII-IX. TASJ, 18 pp.
Batchelor, J., (1892-93). 'Specimens of Ainu Folklore', X-XII. TASJ, 20 pp.
Batchelor, J., (1894). 'Items of Ainu Folklore'. Journal of American Folklore, 7 pp.
Batchelor, J., (1896). 'Ainu Words as Illustrative of Customs and Matters
Pathological, Psychological and Religious', 'A Lecture on the Ainu'. TASJ, 24pp.
Batchelor, J., (1908). 'Ainus'. Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics. New York: J. Hastings, 14 pp.
Batchelor, J., (1932). 'An Ainu Bear Festival'. TASJ Ser. 2, 9 pp.

Volume 3
Batchelor, J., (1901). The Ainu and their Folk-lore. London: The Religious Tract Society.

Volume 4: Articles 1870-1920
Hilgendorf, F., (1876). 'Barenfesten auf Yezo'. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft fur Natur- und Volkerkunde Ostasiens, 6 pp.
Scheube, B., (1880). 'Der Barenkultus und die Barenfeste der Ainos mit einigen Bemerkungen uber die Tanze derselben'. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft fur Natur- und Volkerkunde Ostasien, 7pp.
Penhallow, D. P., (1884/85). 'Traditions of the Ainos of Northern Japan'. Canadian Record of Science, 9 pp.
Penhallow, D. P., (1886/87). 'The Rearing of Bears and the Worship of Yoshitsune by the Ainos of Japan'. Canadian Record of Science, 8 pp.
Chamberlain, B. H., (1887). 'An Aino Bear Hunt'. TASJ, 4 pp.
Chamberlain, B. H., (1887). 'The Birds' Party' and 'The Hunter in Fairy-land' in: Aino Fairy Tales, Tokyo: Kobunsha.
Chamberlain, B. H., (1888). 'Ainu Folk-Tales'. The Folk-Lore Society Publication, 61 pp.
O'Neil, J., (1888). 'Ainu Hymns'. The Academy, 2 pp.
Brauns, D., (1889). 'Die Religion, Sagen und Marchen der Aino'. Zeitschrift fur Volkskunde, 19 pp.
Basel Mission, (1895). 'Volks- und Familienleben', 'Die Religion der Ainu' and 'Die Mission der Ainu', 15 pp.
Morice, A.G., (1902). 'Carriers and Ainos at Home'. American Antiquarian and Oriental Journal,6pp.
Montclavel, R., (1904). 'Le dernier jour d'un dieu chez les ainos'. Nouvelle Revue, 6 pp.
Aston, W. G., (1901). 'The Japanese Gohei and the Ainu Inao'. The Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, 5 pp. 131-135.
Sternberg, L., (1906). 'The Inau Cult of the Ainu'. Boas Anniversary Volume. 13 pp.

Volume 5
Articles 1920-1950
Munsterhjelm, L., (1922). Fardar i Fjarran Ostern. Helsingfors: Sonderstrom & Co. 11 pp.(English Translation)
Haas, D. H., (1925). 'Die Ainus und ihre Religion'. Bilderatlas zur Religionsgeschichte, Leipzip: A. Deichertsche Verlagsbuch-handlung Dr. Werner Scholl.
Lengerken, H., (1925). 'Aino und Bar'. Illustrierte Zeitung, 1 p.
Kremp, W., (1928). Beitrage zur Religion der Ainu. Freiburg: Pressverein, 1 pp
Murdock, G. P., (1934). Our Primitive Contemporaries. New York: The Macmillan Company, 29pp.
Munro, N. G., (1934). 'Ainu Past and Present'. The Japan Advertiser, 1 p.
Munro, N. G., (1934). 'Ainu Art and Religion Reveal Kinship of Primitive Tribes'. The Japan Advertiser, 1 p.
Munro, N. G., (1934). 'Use of Magic by Ainu in Religion is Told'. The Japan Advertiser, 2 p.
Munro, N. G., (1934). 'Ghost of Dead Cause Trouble for the Ainu'. The Japan Advertiser, 1 p.
Munro, N. G., (1934). 'Customs of the Ainu Relating to Marriage'. The Japan Advertiser, 2 pp.
Huber, G., (1938). 'Eine Weihnachtsfeier bei den Ainu'. Weih-nachten in Japan. Fulda: Parzeller, 16 pp.
Rumpf, F., (1938). 'Japanische Volksmarchen'. Jena: Eugen Diederichs Verlag, 28 pp.
Kirk, W., (1940a). 'Culture Patterns among the Ainus of Japan'. Sociology and Social Research, 5 pp.
Kirk, W., (1940b). 'The Disappearing Culture Traits of the Ainus'. Sociology and Social Research , 12 pp.
Kindaichi K., (1949). 'The Concepts behind the Ainu Bear Festival (Kumamatsuri ) '. Southwestern Journal of Anthropology, 6 pp.

第1回 「アイヌ言語―ヨーロッパ初期文献集成」 全10巻 品切れ
第2回 「アイヌ語の起源」 全5巻 4-931444-01-6 \115,000-(本体)
第3回 アイヌ文化編第1期 「紀行文とアイヌ文化」 全5巻 4-931444-19-9 \115,000-(本体)

アイヌ文化編第3期 「アイヌ民具」 全5巻 4-931444-26-1 予価\115,000-