
第2集 全6巻
Florence Nightingale: Nursing, the Legacy
編集: Lorri Williamson |
ISBN 4-931444-54-7
■収録文献一部(予定)*編集の都合での変更がございます。 ご了承ください。
●Vol. 1●Tribute to Florence Nightingale
A pilgrimage to the home of Florence Nightingale (Edwin
Slater), 1862
Hall, A.: Florence Nightingale, or the heroine of the east
(Arthur Hall), 1856
Florence Nightingale (as they saw her). The nurses with
Florence Nightingale tell their stories, 1970
Florence Nightingale, A lecture, reprint from the British
Controversialist, 1859
Desultory verses... respectfully dedicated to Miss Florence
Nightingale, and the heroes of the Crimea..., 1856
Heroines worthy of the Red Cross..., 1883
Is that lamp going out? (The Crimean veterans tells how
the lady lit the lamp), 1910
The Nightingale in the East (a song about Florence Nightingale),
Florence Nightingale, By one who knew her (Flora Masson),
A woman's example: and a nation's work, a tribute to Florence
Nightingale, (F.N. Edge), 1864
●Vol. 2●Memoir
Mary Aloysius - Memories of the Crimea, 1897
●Vol. 3●Military nursing up to the World War I
Florence Nightingale - Subsidiary notes as to the introduction
of female nursing into military hospitals in peace and war,
presented to the secretary of state of war, 2 parts, 1858
Florence Nightingale - Notes on matters affecting the health,
efficiency and hospital administration of the British army,
founded chiefly on the experience of the late war, 1858
M. N. Oxford - Nursing in wartime: lessons for the inexperienced,
●Vol. 4●War Nursing
Victoria Thurston - A textbook of war nursing
●Vol. 5●Nursing in the Colonies
Florence Nightingale -
Sanitary statistics of native colonial schools and hospitals,
Suggestions on a system of nursing for hospitals in India,
Army sanitary administration and its reform under... Lord
Herbert, 1862
Observations on evidence contained in the statistics report
submitted to her by royal commission on the sanitary state
of the army in India, 1863
M. R. Truman - Simple lectures on nursing for soldiers in
India, 1912
Edward Henderson - The nurse in hot climates, 1903
●Vol. 6●Reviews of 'Notes' and 1946 edition |